Aussie RHD factory converted Viper

Miles B

Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
Melbourne, Vic, Australia
We had a yellow RT in Melbourne, but it is gone now.. I have been aiming to get out to Viperformance and check out the possibility of bringing one over myself.. however I was in a motorcycle crash a few weeks back (read: bulldozed by taxi) and have been flat out trying to sort it all out.. bike's a write off... oh well, more Viper money! (I wish - now I have to go buy another bike)

Was that dodgy salesman guy with the short brown curly hair (kinda tall and medium build) there?

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Miles B

Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
Melbourne, Vic, Australia
It seems like they don't want to sell them or something. Not sure where the Melbourne tester is, haven't seen it in their window for ages. $1000 for a test drive my @SS!! I know plenty of people who could afford to buy one, but none of us would consider even test driving it on those terms. Sort of suggests to you that they don't think you have the money, and you owe them something for the privilege of buying a car from them. I'm a grumpy little bas$**** and that kind of cr@p just p!sses me off. Plus the fact that I'm only 24, they pretty much told me to get out of their dealership. Oh well, their loss. Seems that they can't move the cars.

I've looked at Vette QLD as well.. I believe they only want 27k or so for the conversion.. not sure if they are ready to go under the new rules or not. Anyway, I've got a while to decide, as I need to wait until I am 25, and I am reconsidering the whole thing in light of my recent insurance experience. Maybe I'll just buy a *** import and work it to 800rwhp? I dunno.