"Hey guys, move to Sweden!!!!!! I only pay USD 200 a year for full coverage!!!
Really, I feel for you.
Yeah... And how much you pay in taxes?
Or gasoline/gallon?
Or car parts imported?
Kinda evens it out.
I lived in Sweden 4 years (noll-atta-area) and even my Ford ****** was more than $200. Not to mention my Vette... And this was in the late 80's.
Beautiful place though, lots of nice US cars, I loved expecially the Stockholm Cruising and Mantorp. Do not miss the mosquitos.
ACR Joe, I think the question is not how much the others pay insurance in other states. You need to compare with someone IN philly.
Sure, I pay less too, why? Because I live in the middle of the Amish community. Nobody steals my car or likelyhood that I have a collicion is minimal, close to zero trafic. Going from my area towards east (Philly) the insurance easily first doubles and then triples.
I do not find it unusual to pay $1880 bucks IN PHILLY. The cheapest insurance company usually is also the crappiest when it comes to compensation or they will dump you immediately after the first claim. I combined all my car insurances (3) and life insurance and house and... and... so on. All this brought my numbers down considerably.
I have Allstate, have had a total roof damage (hail), 1 Jeep mangled (hail), 1 -64 Galaxie shortened by 1 yard (repaired), 1 high speed ticket, they paid instantly, NO problems whatsoever. Even my premiums stayed on reasonable. (Only Galaxie was raised 20%.) Considering that I have never had a problem with them, I'll stick with Allstate. (Even if I could have bought about 10% cheaper insurance)