From Tony Rickard, Some Avatar House Cleaning:
In case you are wondering, the reason why your Avatar is not showing
up is because you have not updated your profile since we moved the
board to the new server (Jan 2001)...and therefore it is trying to load the image
from the old server....which isn't there any longer.
To update
your custom Avatar you need to go to the main page of the BBS, go in
to view your profile by clicking on "Profile" near the top of the
page. Once you are viewing you profile properties, select "Custom"
from the drop down box (EVEN IF THE IMAGE APPEARS!!!), watch your
Avatar load, then Submit Changes. Go to the test area and post a test
to make sure it works! ANY problems just let me know!!
Remember, Avatar Images are for Viper Owners, while VCA members get the additional "VCA Member" indication.