"Greatest Show on Earth"
I usually spend all my time in the parking lot looking at the hundreds of cars lined up, getting ready to sell. You can talk with the owners, and get stories on almost all the cars.
After the cars go through the auction they go to a holding pen, and you can make a private deal with the owners of cars that did not sell due to not meeting reserve, or even offer a guy to buy the car he just bought for a profit.
The cars look so much more down to earth, when viewed in the parking lot, as opposed to being up on the stage with the special lighting.
You get the hear the cars running while moving up, and watch the lot guys scampering around with battery boosters to get the long stored cars started.
I only spend a little time actually in the tents viewing the auction. You can estimate from the program (always running late) when your favorite cars will be running over the block, and step inside to watch the bidding.
Lots of behind the scenes action going on.
If you wanna have fun, rent a golf cart with a buddy, and just drive around offering cute chicks free rides.