I took Larry's advise and took apart the unit. I managed to get the nut loose. Joel, here is what you need to do:
1) Cover your sill with a large cloth so you will not chip the sill when, and I do say when, you drop a tool on it.
2) Disconnect the battery behind the rear drivers side wheel.
3) Take off the outer black plate covering the side of the unit (4 bolts and 2 screws).
4) Unscrew the 3 screws that mount the unit to the car.
5) Cut the clip holding the wires on the front side of the unit towards the front of the car so you can move the unit out of position.
6) Unplug the plug connected to the wash tank, if need be, that is in front of the unit towards the bummber to make more room to move the unit around.
7) Take off the bottom plastic cover of the unit and turn it 90 degrees so you can access the nut under the unit.
8) Take the same size socket and place an extension on it to reach the nut that is on the underside. Lossen this nut almost all of the way.
9) Once the nut below is loose, you can push the seized nut/post unit up. This will give you access to the nut directly under the seized nut. Place a open end wrench on this and another on the seized nut and pry. I had to remove the 3 relays on the front of the unit and saw off one of the plastic clips to get an open end wrench under the seized nut.
That's it, It took me about 40 minutes. I hope this helps everyone out there with this problem. Good luck!