Before and After JM's Striker Heads - Not so creamy anymore!


Oct 8, 2006
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Re: Before and After JM\'s Striker Heads - Not so creamy anymore!

with SVS at 600/600 with computer&fuel, and now you here without computer&fuel these heads are looking very very nice. are numbers even close to

i agree with your path of heads/cam 1st. i rather have a car with 600/600 NA that i can drive every single day and road race/auto cross on the weekends with 0 issues. then a blower car making slightly more power, with more gadgets, lines, belts, things to go wrong as well as putting more wear and heat on everything.

You guys keep forgetting a HUGE bonus for going N/ how much more weight over the front wheels ifn he had gone to a blower instead??? :shocked: :crazy:


Oct 8, 2006
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Re: Before and After JM\'s Striker Heads - Not so creamy anymore!

and let's not forget...when adding weight to a not only have to accelerate that mass....but also cornering and braking.....and a lot of the added mass of a blower is higher up ( why do you thind Porsche and BMW are doing massive research developing cost effective carbonfibre and installing it in the roof of the car to shave only 38 lbs....cause the weight in the roof structure is located high up ...what does that do to the C G and polar moment when cornering and braking??
Also, let's not forget the enjoyable response of steering and handling that a lightweight car makes for street driving and track driving.
It's all about lbs per HP ratio..and I'd rather have 100 lbs less than 30 extra HP anyday.
OF course, for dedicated drag racers....much of the above may not hold true....but iffn you've ever driven a 500 HP Porsche Turbo back to back with a Porshce Boxster ( 285 HP) , you will know what I'm talking about...It's not just that the Turbo weighs's where the weight is located..that takes away a little of the fun ( the Turbos are all 4WD and that adds weight in the front .... for poorer steering response and flickability)
( just MHO and your mileage may vary) :p

Russ M

Nov 1, 2000
Reaction score
LA, California
Re: Before and After JM\'s Striker Heads - Not so creamy anymore!

3500 miles with no issues.

I will be watching the temp. gauge in the summer time because the car seemed to warm up quicker in the fall, even with the 172 deg thermostat.

I'm not buying your logic on A/F ratios. The A/F ratios would show leaner if anything at the tailpipe and this is only supposed to be at low rpm with lower horsepower cars when atmospheric oxygen can interfere with the test. Generally, 13:1 is considered safe/optimal ratio for normally aspirated and these car ran 12.6 to 13.1 in the runs made at WOT.

AEM + Tuning + Good Fuel System (no booster pumps for me) = $6K. I might go that way someday, but only when I'm doing the bottom end or forced induction.

Its your car and you can do what you like, just trying to warn you on whats going to happen sooner or later.

A/F ratio's in the tail pipe are very unreliable from my experience, and considering you are running stock fuel system that cant even handle 500rwhp properly I would say your readings are incorect.

At least make sure you drive this thing on 100+ octane, that may keep the detonation away.

PS. You dont need to spend 6k on a fuel system. AEM and a boost a pump will get you to where you want to be for less than 3.5k tuned. A Vec 2 will get you there for less than 1.5k, or DC can get you there for less than 1k by reprograming the factory computer.

Joseph Dell

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA 30338
Re: Before and After JM\'s Striker Heads - Not so creamy anymore!

What Russ said. I'll add a few things: In an N/A car, if you detonate, you don't blow sh*t up. under boost with cast pistons, you do. not under boost, you just rob yourself of performance.

I'm fond of mentioning that i took a bone stock 97 GTS and tuned it from baseline to 50 more rwhp and 75tq in bone-stock form. There is MUCH left over in these cars. Plus A/F is NOT optimum in stock form.

The stock injectors / fuel system can handle more power than stock if you have the right computer. I'd suggest you get a VEC3 which runs about 1k and then start tuning. if you run out of fuel, you can worry about fuel system. but you will probably be fine with the set-up that you've mentioned.

One last thing: I call bull on the "superchargers and turbos add weight" stuff. Do you really think that 20-30lbs in the front changes handling _that_ much? even if it were 100lbs the power increase well offsets that. IMHO.

Good luck!


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