I have the K&N cold air intake....behind the headers I have Belanger exhaust with NO cats. I had and removed Corsa Track with metal substrate RT hi-flow cats, which I whink was a very efficient exhaust setup. Therefore, I think 99.9% of my gains are from the headers alone.
B767Driver --
Thanks for the clarification. I am asking the following because I plan on installing almost identical mods to my 2008 Viper when it arrives in the fall. My question is this: K&N claims on their website that their cold air intake for the Viper will net about 15 hp at the flywheel. Thus, I am wondering where your 15 rwp (about 20 flywheel hp?) is actually coming from. What concerns me even more is that you not only have the K&N CAI, you also have the Belanger headers plus the Belanger side exhaust kit. Does this mean that the headers plus exhaust are contributing minimal (2-5 hp) if any horsepower? I find that difficult to believe.
I plan on installing (1) the Mopar tubular headers (these are manufactured by Belanger), (2) the Belanger sidepipe exhaust and (3) the Mopar Cold Air Intake ( I have been informed that this will be either the functional equivalent or even simply a rebadged K&N CAI kit). According to Lou Belanger and the Dodge press releases on the Mopar Concept Coupe, adding these parts resulted in 675 flywheel hp, up from 600 hp in the standard 2008 Viper. Lou shared that even this figure was conservative and that the folks at McLaren were estimating that this total package was putting out vloser to 700 flywheel hp.
Now, Lou also shared that the folks at McLaren dynoed the stock 2008 motor and that the engine was actually putting out closer to 615-620 flywheel horspeower. So, even assuming that we started at 620 hp stock, the Belanger headers, Belanger side exhaust and the CAI seem to be yielding at least 30-40 additional horsepower. What complicates this is that the Mopar Concept Coupe also has other internal mods such as "Titanium Valves and Connecting Rods, Cast Litex Pistons and Lightened Crankshaft and a High Flow Intake Manifold" but I can't imagine that these mods contribute the bulk of the additional horsepower.
Lou Belanger is currently building my 2008 headers ( I believe mine will be the first commercially available) and now I am concerned that the horsepower increase will be negligible as opposed to the 40-50 hp that Lou cites for his headers and exhaust combination. I was hoping conservatively for at least a 10-15 flywheel hp gain from the addition of the Belanger headers alone with perhaps another 5-10 flywheel hp from the Belanger exhaust and another 10-15 hp from the CAI.
Anyone have any idea what the possible reasons are for the discrepancy between B767's numbers and the numbers cited by DCX and Lou Belanger? (I know, it's somewhat apples to oranges because we are talking about a 2006 motor versus the 2008 motor, but humor me anyway.)