Best dealer deals on 2003?

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Ron Hickey

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Falls Church, VA
The dealer in Virginia is Oyster Point Dodge in the Williamsburg area. Owner David Julien and his dealership have been very supportive of the Maryland-Virginia region since the chapter's inception. I have no personal experience with Oyster Point Dodge, but our region's first President, Mike Warner, speaks very highly of them.

I have received several offers from dealers offering 03's at $100 to $1400 over invoice. I'm somewhat surprised at how aggressively these dealers -- none of which are the high-volume Viper dealers that support this site -- are going after the 03 buyers. I'm assuming that this will drive their allocation for future years up. Hopefully they will provide great after-sales support.

Frank 03SRT

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Somewhere in Kansas
I'm sticking with the dealer that supports this site, the VCA, and are true car nuts. PLUS, their deals are always more than fair. If you want to save another $100, go ahead. You may be waiting for months more than those that go to the best dealer - Woodhouse.


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Agree on Woodhouse 110%. Just remember the old adage "you get what you pay for." While there are undoubtedly some good dealers out there, many are probably looking for future allocation or simply to get "easy" Vipers through their dealership where they might not normally be allocated a single car. Even your low volume dealers that sell only one Viper a year can honor 1000 certificates and get the cars this time around.

I would STRONGLY suggest you ask yourself this: Do they want ME as a customer or do they simply want my certificate? With Woodhouse Dodge, I know exactly what they want. I know that they won't forget about me after I take delivery. I know they will answer my questions with the utmost patience for as long as they are in business. Why else would somebody like Layne travel 800 miles to buy a Dakota of all things?? As one of the largest Viper dealerships in the world, I know Woodhouse will back up what they sell. I can just imagine what it would be like buying from the guy who offered it for $50 over invoice with no Viper history...

Me: "What about the yellowing on the side sills and the slight rattle in the soft top that won't go away?"
Dealer: "Listen, you got a steal on the car already. We are not going to spend all our time babysitting your car and worrying about your nitpicking on meaningless problems. Our focus is on minivans because that is where our bread and butter is. We do appreciate your order but you need to move on."

Don't think that's possible? Trust me, it will happen somewhere and you will hear some serious regrets.

It is simple: Buy from somebody you know. Buy from somebody you trust. Buy from somebody that actually cares about the VCA and about you. I have yet to see a single self-serving post from the boys in Blair, but quite a few from other dealers. What I do see is Bill Pemberton and Bob Woodhouse offering good, solid advice to all Viper owners (customers or not) without even mentioning that they are a dealer. They don't even sign their posts with the dealer name (Pemberton just signs "SUPER PROUD VCA MEMBER"). Money can't even buy that kind of relationship or that kind of class.

You get what you pay for. I want to know I am buying from the BEST. I would gladly pay to deal with Woodhouse Dodge any day of the week. I thank JonB once again for getting me started in my Viper experience with the Boys from Blair.

Off my soapbox.


Larry 03 SRT-10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
spearman, tx usa
I'm sure Woodhouse is a great dealer from what I read on the site but what do you do when you are having a problem and need someone to work on you Viper?



Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Larry 2000GTS:
I'm sure Woodhouse is a great dealer from what I read on the site but what do you do when you are having a problem and need someone to work on you Viper?

In my case, if it is major I make the three and half hour drive to Blair to get it serviced by them. Same goes for many of the folks in Kansas City - even those that didn't even buy from them. There are a couple dealers I trust around here for routine service and I use them for the more mundane work. Of course, they ALL honor the factory warranties so there are no issues about where you purchased from. If they run into something they can't figure out (and they have), I have had them speak to Woodhouse over the phone to get help. Works great. I know that there are tons of folks that have purchased from Woodhouse from all over the country (just take a look at the posts from above and where they are from) and that Woodhouse routinely helps them get things fixed up with local dealers for regular service. Side sill paint is an example: Many local dealers will want to decline warranty work on them when some yellow from the heat - they don't understand how this sometimes happens with Vipers. Woodhouse has helped more than a few dealers understand the dilemma and get the work done under warranty. Pretty good for 1200 miles away!


Joseph Houss

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
Jul 19, 2000
Reaction score
Check the loyal Viper dealers on this site!

They ALWAYS want to keep us happy!


Jun 19, 2001
Reaction score
Western New York, USA
In regards to woodhouse. I live just outside Buffalo NY , to far to drive for service issues. So I take the car to my local vipertech. And when he had some issues installing my 5pts, he was able to call woodhouse and talk to their vipertech Rick who was happy to assist. Unreal service from woodhouse even though I am more than a few hours away.


Apr 7, 2001
Reaction score
I spoke to Pemberton, at Woodhouse, last year about the 2003. They were taking $2000 deposits to be put on the "list" for the VGX. They collected thousands of dollars from unsuspecting people who thought they would be first in line to get this car.We now know that Certs come first.(How much money did they make on the interest alone from this "scam"). There are other dealers on this site that were honest enough to refused to collect deposits because they weren't sure how Dodge would sell the 03. It seems that some dealers will do anything they can to make a buck!


Viper Owner
May 19, 2001
Reaction score
As a retired Dodge dealer, allow me to share with you that the practice of accepting "partial payments" or deposits as you refer to them is a very common and acceptable business practice. Did you ever try to buy a house? Did the realtor just run *****-nilly to the seller to see if they would accept your "offer"? Of course not...a down payment or a security deposit adds credibilty to a prospective purchaser's offer. When Woodhouse accepted partial payments from prospective intenders for the '03 SRT-10, they had no more idea as to the distribution plan than any other dealer did. They simply did what any good businessperson in any kind of business would do...make certain that they had buyers and not pretenders filling up the roster. There is no fairer way to do it than this time-honored practice of accepting deposits, down payments, security deposits, partial payments, earnest money or any other term you would feel most comfortable with. Don't take it personally, it is just "business" and it takes the favoritism out of it. I suppose back in the "old days" when a man's word was his bond, this practice may not have been as prevalent as it is in our modern society. Unfortunately, our comtemporary society doesn't seem to put as much stock in integrity, veracity and honesty as we would like it to. An wonderful sales trainer who has recently passed away used to say...

"Money talks, bullsh-t walks!"


Oct 16, 2000
Reaction score
Chula Vista, CA USA

I for one put a deposit down on a BMW M3 as did thousands of other people who then were told their car might take upto three
years to get! It's not the Dealers fault and all you have to do is look at Woodhouse's reputation! I think you have it all wrong,
just my opinion though.



Apr 7, 2001
Reaction score
Take it easy guys...lets go back a little. At the time the rumor was that VCA members would get first dibs on the 03. I called Woodhouse and was told to send my $2000 in quickly because the waiting list was filling up fast. ( I even met a guy at a auto show who told me Woodhouse told him he was #2 on the list). Again,I've spoken to other dealers, that advertise on this site, who would not accept any deposits because they were honest and didn't know what the exact procedure would be. One dealer actually told me that Woodhouse was collecting money to earn interest on our money. That's why I never sent any money to Woodhouse...VIPERPROWLER1s' analogy of a real estate deal is wrong because here Woodhouse is taking deposits for a 2003 Viper that he may not be able to EVER sell to you. So in this case "money talks, BS walks" doesn't apply since anyone with a certificate just jumped ahead of all of them.

PS..Since I posted this morning I've received a lot of e-mails from people who agree with me but dont have the "intestinal fortitude" to post.

Fast Viper Dan

Aug 7, 2001
Reaction score
Saratoga, CA, USA
If Woodhouse took a deposit from you or anyone else that is not eligible for the cert, I would expect that you are still in line by first come first serve after the certs are filled and it's open to those that were not eligible. As for the interest, How much interest do you have in owning an '03'.
I'm not trying to talk smack about anyone, Please don't take offence. I believe Woodhouse will do every thing they can for those who placed a deposit with them. Woodhouse probably has the best chance (or as good) of delivering an "03" sooner than any other dealer.
"Fast Viper Dan" (soon to be Faster Viper Dan)


Viper Owner
May 19, 2001
Reaction score
Hey 01-rt/10,

I truly understand what you're saying! My point was that Woodhouse did not dream up a "deposit" scheme for the Viper folks. It is a common business practice that is acceptable and normal. When you say the practice is not analogous to the real estate business because he may not be able to deliver the car, the real estate agent may not get the buyer to agree to the purchase offer either. I would feel fairly confident that Woodhouse will be able to fulfill the order committment at some point in time whether it is to a "certificate" holder, a VCA member, a current Viper owner or even a "dreaded member of the public, the great unwashed"!

I have dealer friends around the country who themselves do <u>not</u> accept deposits on hot units like Vipers, PT Cruisers and Prowlers because they don't want the hassle of dealing with the constant phone calls and visits of the prospects who have put the deposits down. It is just a matter of personal preference. Personally, I had a practice of accepting deposits or "partial payments" as a matter of making the salesperson more interested in the deal as well as the client. It is just a more "business-like" way of handling the whole issue. If a customer doesn't want to do business with a dealer who required a partial payment, I would suggest he/she shop for a dealer who offered that "value-added?" option of a no-deposit sales experience.

Trust me when I say that no dealer wants to irritate a customer if it can be helped but one does need a set of standard business practices which have proven successful over a long period of time and a wide variety of businesses. My whole point was that Woodhouse was doing nothing wrong nor are the dealers who do not require a deposit. It is just a common business practice which is fair, honest and effective.

In addition, no one should feel that they have to have "intestinal fortitude" to post a reply that disagrees with the bulk of the respondents! Heck, you know that old saw about opinions, "they're like a--holes, everyone has one"! Thanks for bringing up this discussion as it is valuable to discuss concepts like this for the edification of all of us. Oddly enough, I think I may have even learned a thing or two from this dissertation!


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 01-rt/10:
One dealer actually told me that Woodhouse was collecting money to earn interest on our money. That's why I never sent any money to Woodhouse...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, I would say I am a little biased, but what the heck: First off, BIG surprise that another dealer said that Woodhouse was collecting the money to earn interest. I am sure they weren't competing for your business. Hard for some to compete unless they can slight their competition - I see it all the time as a salesperson. That tactic endears very few, but apparently is still used by some. Oh, and how much interest do you suppose they earn on that whole $2,000 if they accepted it six months ago? Enough to risk the goodwill of real customers? Hardly. The only thing they risk is some bittersweet dealer badmouthing them because that dealer doesn't DARE take a deposit when they don't have the allocation to even get a car.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>VIPERPROWLER1s' analogy of a real estate deal is wrong because here Woodhouse is taking deposits for a 2003 Viper that he may not be able to EVER sell to you.

Hey, hold on a second. As long as you are bashing one of the biggest sponsors and contributors to this forum and the VCA, why don't you step it up a notch! Here, you can start by slamming DODGE THEMSELVES:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR><FONT COLOR="red">From DaimlerChrysler Official 2003 SRT/10 website:</FONT c>
Once you receive your Reservation Certificate and Buyers Order Form in the mail, please visit any Dodge dealer of your choice where you will complete the certificate <u>and place your order and deposit</u>. Your Dodge dealer will be responsible for mailing or faxing the Reservation Certificate and Buyers Order Form to Viper Headquarters on or before February 28, 2002. <u>Completing this form does not guarantee you the purchase of a 2003 Dodge Viper.</u> If you have additional questions, please view our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page or e-mail us at [email protected].<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wow, those rascals at Dodge are openly suggesting that dealers will collect a deposit and we still may not get the car! I think they are all in cahoots and are secretly buying expensive chocolates with the massive interest they are earning (sorry, this just irks me). If you have the intestinal fortitude, go check out the Dealer and Order Deposit section of the FAQ on the official 2003 site. You will find that deposits are STANDARD. You will even find they address those people that have already placed deposits on 2003's. Gee, I guess there must be more criminals than Woodhouse out there. Oh, and if you would like to see a major felony in action, check out the Viper Competition Coupe order process . Dodge is getting a <u>$20,000.00</u> deposit with NO guarantee you will even qualify to get a car, much less actually receive one. And think about the interest on that deposit. There should be a law!

I suspect that most people that ordered a Viper (and I mean their current ones if bought new), put down a deposit with their dealer to place the order. The car is "especially built for (your name here)" and I am sure most dealers would ask for some money before they just ordered it for the guy that walked in off the street. In my very humble opinion, Woodhouse believed that they would be allocated a certain number of Vipers as it has ALWAYS been. After all, this "certificate" program is unheard of in automotive history to my knowledge. Even with the rumor of Viper owners getting first shot, you would still think it was based on dealership allocation.

So, people wanted to make sure they got on the list for a 2003. The first thing to do is find a dealership that will get allocated the cars - as has ALWAYS been the case, without exception. I would guess Woodhouse has one of the highest allocations, if not the highest, in the US. Good start. Tell you what, just to make sure, I will go ahead and call up Woodhouse and then have all my friends and relatives call up and get on the list. I figure I should be able to take up at least 30 of the first 35 "reservations." What's this? They want a little money to have "serious" buyers on the list? Heck, I don't mind putting $100 on each name. How much? $2,000? Well, it isn't enough to make Woodhouse any interest of note, but is enough to **** out the pretenders. And there are a LOT of pretenders out there. There are already several 2003 certificate holders that will NOT order 2003's. I know of at least two in Kansas City alone (not me). Not necessarily pretenders per se, but covering their bases just in case.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
PS..Since I posted this morning I've received a lot of e-mails from people who agree with me but dont have the "intestinal fortitude" to post.

No comment.

Sorry to get off on a rant here, but I am really surprised that anybody would question the standard practice of collecting a deposit, especially on a very limited-production sports car. Well, unless you were a "sour grapes" dealer that is desperate to get some business. Group them with the "$50 over invoice" guys as far as I am concerned. I would rather deal with somebody respectable that operates totally above board.



Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
Jacksonville, Fl 32225 USA
I agree.
Bill Pemberton/Bob Woodhouse is a crook.
PLEASE demand your money back.
THEN, Nancy and I will be first in line and get a 2003.
All the rest of you will be complaining and ******** about how you were promised the world and didn't get squat, while Nancy and I will be driving our 2003.
I don't think they ever sold a single solitary Viper, and certainly don't know how to service one (although we paid to have one of ours shipped about a thousand miles to have Rick work on it instead of some dummy. Really nice to have someone work on your pride and joy who knows what they're doing).
So, please consider Woodhouse a fraud and don't send your certificate to Bill Pemberton. That way he will get ours first.
AND it will be serviced by Rick Maxwell(sp?).


Frank 03SRT

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Somewhere in Kansas
01-rt10, inferring Woodhouse is not honest is just wrong. You obviously don't know them or you wouldn't make such a statement. You are the ONLY negative post that I have ever seen about Woodhouse. I'll bet the money given them to get a position in line WILL pay off once they get their orders in, because the same original order of deposit will be utilized. Sure, those without certs will be later, but again, bet the original order of deposit will help them when their chance comes.

As far as you receiving many e-mails of support for your position, what good does their support to you provide us? If they are too thin skinned to post, they are really invisible to the rest of us.

Me thinks you are just trying to get a flame going here, maybe?


Apr 7, 2001
Reaction score
The demand of certificates may exceed the supply of the 2003s'. That's why Dodge cannot guarantee you will get a 2003. The use of deposits as a business practice isn't in question. The acceptance of deposits for the 2003 (that's 03 not 04 or 05) that you probably wont be able to sell to your list of potential buyers is questionable. There was no intent to "bash" anyone. Also a Moderator should not be as condescending as the last post.

Larry 03 SRT-10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
spearman, tx usa
I was told by a source at 2003 HQ that when they receive requests for certificates equal to a number given to them by Dodge that no more certificates would be issued but the names would be put on a waiting list.
They would not tell me the number but they were sure that it would be exceeded by requests. They also would not tell me the certificates issued to date.
As far as the deposit issue at Woodhouse and others, I believe the reputable dealers will do the right thing and offer refunds to anyone who is not eligible for the certificates, gets a build number in the next decade, or the 2003 is priced too high for their budget. If the 2003 comes out at $100,000, I do not want one.
The interest on the $2000 deposit at 3% would not be worth losing a future customer.


Jun 19, 2001
Reaction score
Western New York, USA
you dont know woodhouse!! if they have anyones deposit they will make good on it ASAP!!
it is not there fault that this unique system is in place!!


Apr 7, 2001
Reaction score
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Please forward me the complaints you received. I will keep them confidential and try to help


Matt M PA

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Langhorne, PA USA
Woodhouse was indeed taking deposts on 2003s. This was BEFORE anyone knew how these cars were to be offered. I can tell you that Woodhouse is as upset as anyone as to the way in which the 2003s are being distributed. There are numerous Viper owners that are not original owners. I would bet that many of their customers bought their Viper used...therefor...they cannot even offer one to them yet. Can you imagine how a dealer feels when they can't deliver product due to the way the manufacturer decides to distribute? To call this a "scam" is just plain irresponsible. C'mon..anyone who sent a deposit to any dealer did it with the same good intentions that Woodhouse had in accepting these deposits...that these early deposts would secure an early 2003 Viper. The fact that DCX decided upon this scheme has nothing to do with Woodhouse..or their practices. They are honest, reputable people. In closing I would mention that with Prowler production over...there will be more new Vipers available than ever before.

Larry 03 SRT-10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
spearman, tx usa
The question is what are dealers who took deposits doing with customers to whom they cannot deliver the 2003.
Has anyone been offered a refund since the certificate program started?


Tony Estes

Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Avondale Arizona

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Also a Moderator should not be as condescending as the last post.
Moderators are welcome to state their opinion same as you.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
There was no intent to "bash" anyone.
Then why did you post

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
How much money did they make on the interest alone from this "scam"). There are other dealers on this site that were honest enough to refused to collect deposits because they weren't sure how Dodge would sell the 03. It seems that some dealers will do anything they can to make a buck

While I have NEVER bought a car from Woodhouse they have come to the support of the VIPER Club of America numerous times.You might want to think about what you post about reputable dealers before accusing them of running a scam.

I receive complaints from club members on a regular basis concerning disreputable dealers.I have never received one complaint from a VCA member concerning business practices at Woodhouse Dodge.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>01rt/10 says
PS..Since I posted this morning I've received a lot of e-mails from people who agree with me but dont have the "intestinal fortitude" to post.
Please forward me the complaints you received. I will keep them confidential and try to help anyone who has been hurt by this "scam" you have reported

PS. 01rt/10 If you want to accuse someone of running a scam or fraud have the "intestinal fortitude" to sign your name and not hide behind a "monicker".

Steve Ferguson

Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Burr Ridge, IL
I really hate seeing good people pulled through the mud! The Team at Woodhouse called me years ago and asked "what can we do to be the best Viper dealer out there"? I told Bob: Have a top notch Tech (he's got that), make the purchase something special (have you ever seen how much better a Woodhouse prepared Viper looks next to others?), have one central person handle all Viper issues (well he almost did that with Bill, but he is more of an alien?), and make sure that VCA members are satisfied. Well since that phone call, I can proudly say that the only e-mail, phone call, or even letter I have ever received regarding Woodhouse, has been to COMPLIMENT the wonderful experience they have provided to the new owner.

If you are looking for the "best deal", then I say define best? To me the best deal is supporting Woodhouse (and many other GREAT dealers that have ALWAYS been there for the VCA) and those that care more about the 1 time purchase. These dealers are the first ones to write a check in support of the VCA and it's events. Would you risk the health of a loved one with the LOWEST priced doctor out there? HELL NO! You would go to the best, because that is what will ultimately make you FEEL the best and most secure. There are 50 or so dealer out there that you can confidently say are the BEST. Stick with them, simply because they have proven over time that they will stick to US!

Lastly (against Bob Woodhouse's wishes), I think it is time for EVERYONE to realize how much the VCA means to this Person, Company, and fellow VCA member! When the VCA was in need of a Dealer to help facilitate the Raffles you all now get to enjoy, it was Bob who came to the assistance of the VCA. His dealership incurred THOUSANDS of dollars just to make sure the VCA Members could have a legal raffle. When it came time to settle the bill, Bob waived all those fees on behalf of the Club. So if you think for one second that this dealership cares more about MAKING money than TAKING CARE of family, I have to stand here and tell you that you are INCORRECT!
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