Best Engine Oil for the GTS


Feb 24, 2003
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Commerce , MI
I just attended a plant tour of the Penzoil facility in Detroit (River Rouge Blend Plant) with fellow MCVO owners yesterday. The Penzoil folks shared a ton of valuable information. A few pointers worth sharing area as follows:

- Penzoil, Shell, Quacker State are all owned by the parent company

- Penzoil claims that the most advanced engineered motor oil on the market at this time is the Penzoil Ultra Platinum 0W-40 Synthetic.....100% full synthetic.

- some brands are claiming synthetic, but are mixed with conventional motor oil (he was not referring to those oils labeled as "blended").

- Chrysler V-10 engineers were present on this tour and supported the use of the 0W-40 over for all Generation Vipers. The stated when the earlier generation Vipers were developed, the recommended oil was what was best at that time. However, with today's technology and advancements, the best oil to use in all Generation Vipers is the 0W-40 weight.

- the "0" is best for cold engine starts which is when the majority of engine wear occurs designed for cold starts down to 45 degrees below 0. The "40" protects the engine when it gets hotter. The additives in today's oils actually causes the oil to thicken as the engine/oil temperature increases.

- NEVER-NEVER-NEVER put any additives in your oil, regardless of brand, marketing hype, etc. Penzoil claimed that additives, can actually upset the critical balance of the oils chemistry, and could easily be more harmful than good for your engine, i.e., too much zinc is not good or your engine.

- The Penzoil representative stated to stick with major brands of oil that have the API (American Petroleum Certificate) star on the label. Other small brands (yet popular due to big marketing/advertising campaigns) are not necessarily API certified. If he API Certificate is not on the label, there is no telling what level of quality you are getting.

- Always shake your oil bottle before filling to mix the additives that may have settled.

- Today's oil have specific additives that suspend carbon deposits and unburned fuel which is what causes the oil to darken with use. These additives helps keep carbon and other contaminants from sticking to your engine parts.

- just because an oil is 100% synthetic, you should not extend the recommended oil change intervals.

- Oil does in fact have a shelf life according to the Penzoil rep. He stated that Oil older than 4 years (whether in a sealed container, or open container) separates from the additives. Best to not use this oil in your Viper. Although oil is not labeled with dates of manufacturing, it is best to purchase your oil from high volume retailers to insure that your oil is fresh (if the bottle has layers of dust, it has probably been on the shelf for long time).

The Penzoil representatives were extremely knowledgeable and great hosts. Their facility, although old, appeared to be a top notch manufacturing facility with very strict quality standards and safety practices. They put on an amazing tour and seminar for us Viper owners!

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