Best Radar Detectors?


Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
I have a Bell and a Cobra, the Bell gives me so many false signals that I've gotten 2 tickets when I ignored it. It does work, just gives me 4 false signals to every 'real' signal.

Never had any false signals with either the SR7 or the SRX. The SR7 is the hidden radar detector unit. Add the laser scramblers audio and visual alerts and that unit becomes an SRX.

I've never seen a V1 in person so I have no opinion on their function, I just don't want to spend big bucks to have what looks like an $80 detector stuck to my windshield and I figured that with all the metal and the small rear area - the windshield mounts are obvious to cops and probably wouldn't receive radar signals well from the rear, certainly no rear lasers.

The SRX has 3 sensors (1 active) and a rear sensor/ the SR7 uses 3 - has to beat a single windshield mount unit?

With the hidden unit the cops can't see the radar detector and it's illegal in many states and provinces to have a radar detector. So if a cop sees yours on the windshield and pulls you over, you can get a ticket for that.



Jan 26, 2008
Reaction score
Haverhill, MA
I have a Bell and a Cobra, the Bell gives me so many false signals that I've gotten 2 tickets when I ignored it. It does work, just gives me 4 false signals to every 'real' signal.

Never had any false signals with either the SR7 or the SRX. The SR7 is the hidden radar detector unit. Add the laser scramblers audio and visual alerts and that unit becomes an SRX.

I've never seen a V1 in person so I have no opinion on their function, I just don't want to spend big bucks to have what looks like an $80 detector stuck to my windshield and I figured that with all the metal and the small rear area - the windshield mounts are obvious to cops and probably wouldn't receive radar signals well from the rear, certainly no rear lasers.

The SRX has 3 sensors (1 active) and a rear sensor/ the SR7 uses 3 - has to beat a single windshield mount unit?

With the hidden unit the cops can't see the radar detector and it's illegal in many states and provinces to have a radar detector. So if a cop sees yours on the windshield and pulls you over, you can get a ticket for that.


Very good point Ted; thank you. I didn't realize the SR7 was the base package for the SRX. I noticed on Escorts site they both look a little different though, the SR7 and SRX. So the unit itself for both must look different; at least on this link both units look different.
Remote Radar Detection, Laser Detection & Laser Shifting - ****** Inc.

Also, how good is that Passport 9500ci with GPS? It appears it's a little more expensive; do you know anything about that or is it the same thing as the SRX with added on GPS feature? This doesn't make sense because i swear Tweeter told me either the SRX or SR7(the one that's hidden) cost $1,500. I knew tweeter upped the prices on everything but not by that much considering it's being sold for $1200 on ******'s site. :dunno:

I'm already setting aside my money for a sweet sound system for the car so I guess if I have the extra change for the custom radar install it's a possibility ;)
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Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Sylvan Lake, MI, USA
I have two things to say use search feature on this board and V1 ! !

anything other than a V1 will expire Valentine has the best customer support and service along with THE BEST unit out there


Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
Very good point Ted; thank you. I didn't realize the SR7 was the base package for the SRX. I noticed on Escorts site they both look a little different though, the SR7 and SRX. So the unit itself for both must look different; at least on this link both units look different.
Remote Radar Detection, Laser Detection & Laser Shifting - ****** Inc.

Also, how good is that Passport 9500ci with GPS? It appears it's a little more expensive; do you know anything about that or is it the same thing as the SRX with added on GPS feature? This doesn't make sense because i swear Tweeter told me either the SRX or SR7(the one that's hidden) cost $1,500. I knew tweeter upped the prices on everything but not by that much considering it's being sold for $1200 on ******'s site. :dunno:

I'm already setting aside my money for a sweet sound system for the car so I guess if I have the extra change for the custom radar install it's a possibility ;)

The SRX and the SR7 are the same base unit. It comes with a sticker for the faceplate so that it can be mounted vertically and the units pictured have different stickers. I got a 'sponsored' deal on my radar detectors because I wrote the companies name in my magazine article. $600 for the SR7 and $850 for the SRX. Installed them myself.

Didn't look at the GPS unit.



Jan 1, 2007
Reaction score
Currituck, NC
I have a Bell and a Cobra, the Bell gives me so many false signals that I've gotten 2 tickets when I ignored it. It does work, just gives me 4 false signals to every 'real' signal.

Never had any false signals with either the SR7 or the SRX. The SR7 is the hidden radar detector unit. Add the laser scramblers audio and visual alerts and that unit becomes an SRX.

I've never seen a V1 in person so I have no opinion on their function, I just don't want to spend big bucks to have what looks like an $80 detector stuck to my windshield and I figured that with all the metal and the small rear area - the windshield mounts are obvious to cops and probably wouldn't receive radar signals well from the rear, certainly no rear lasers.

The SRX has 3 sensors (1 active) and a rear sensor/ the SR7 uses 3 - has to beat a single windshield mount unit?

With the hidden unit the cops can't see the radar detector and it's illegal in many states and provinces to have a radar detector. So if a cop sees yours on the windshield and pulls you over, you can get a ticket for that.


Let me add a few comments to your post...
In the U.S., the only areas where it is illegal to posses a radar detector is Virginia and Washington DC. They do have detector detectors in these two areas.
I agree the windshield mount on the V1 is bulky...though arguably no more so than any other detector. I keep mine on the sun visor clip that came with my V1, and it's virtually invisible mounted up against the black visor.
Don't sell yourself short on the rear detection capabilitys of the V1. I was recently able to detect a trooper using laser in the opposite direction on the highway, about 2 miles before I actually saw him. After I passed him, and he was out of site, the V1 sensed that he was rolling up behind me, using regular radar. Sure enough, about 2 or 3 minutes later, he was in site in my mirror. I guess, after I passed him, he thought he could turn around and sneak up behind me.


Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Sylvan Lake, MI, USA
BTW the best place to mount a detector is as high up and most center in the vehicle, this will optimize the range and angles of the detectors reception antanae thus giving the user warnings sooner. mounting in the grill or lower rear facia will minimize these angles and reduce range.

mike & juli

Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Upstate NY
BTW the best place to mount a detector is as high up and most center in the vehicle, this will optimize the range and angles of the detectors reception antanae thus giving the user warnings sooner. mounting in the grill or lower rear facia will minimize these angles and reduce range.

We just got the ****** 8500 (we don't need the GPS in the newer 9500)...and the only problem with mounting it up HIGHER is that in our very COLD weather, the suction cups tend to come undone, dropping the box...only reason we keep it low for now...summer we'll probably mount it up higher, thanx for the tip! We also have a 10-year old Beltronics, which actually we find works better (not many 'false' alerts) than this new ******...we had been undecided for SOME time on WHICH detector to get (as we need 2 now, one for the Viper, one for my new '08 Vette)...after a month of reviewing all info, and asking questions...we decided that one was the best for us. EVERYone has their own opinions...juli


Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Sylvan Lake, MI, USA
once you stick the suction cup on leave the mount there and get another one for other cars i have a mount and cord for each car. once the suction cups are stuck on a cleaned warm window they will stay almost indefinetly i have some that have not moved or fallen in years.

V1 is the only way to go the ONLY upgradeable detector that can be brought up to current spec/radar laser signals. all others "expire" when new sources appear on the market ! !

mike & juli

Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Upstate NY
Thanx Sylvan for the suction cup tips...yeah, too cold now to place them up high.
**UPDATE: We exchanged the 8500 for the Passport 9500i...decided the 8500 gave too many 'false alerts'...and yes, we probably should've just gone the V1 route!! We'll try this one out.** ~juli


Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Kentucky
Julie you will love the 9500i thats what I have in the pictures near the beginning of this thread. The GPS is too cool and is actualy a working feature not just a bling to sell the item. The mount I have allows it to be removed from the rearview mirror with the touch of a button and use it in my suburban. Very slick setup.:2tu:

mike & juli

Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Upstate NY
Thank you Shandon! We had gone back and forth reading others' ideas and 'real-life' experiences...was a tough decision~~! Tougher than we wanted it to be, LOL! THANX for your tips...and we'll certainly be trying it out as soon as we can...not anytime soon unfortunately~~~juli
(Well, just to TRY it, we'll use it in the 4x4 pickup for now!)


Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
9500i, locking out false alarms makes it the best one for me..

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