B&B headers and exhaust (no cats) installed 3days ago, but lack of time kept me from driving it for some fun,went lastnight for a lil cruise hit WOT and wooow exhaust sound is awesome (its really loud) when people look back or so i smile back..lol..the redlight..me stopped..saw a bike crossing the other way..we gave each other warriors look..knew we cant race each other..2deferent directions,then duh he is next 2me..lol [******] u-turn anyway...lesson learned never race a bike from stand or low mph..in2 first gear he is next 2my door..me wanna hit it (said 2 my self wait ) now shifting in2 second still cruise'n he jump a lil 1car maybe i said to my self wait third and now my hands sweating gave him a warning me gona start...he is ready 1car a head or maybe less...NOW FULL WOT he jumped a lil a head more (said 2 my self i lost) but wait..me catching him [******] fast woow next 2 him now ...need 2 shift ...WOow 4th a 1/2 car a head and going and going he slowed down and i did..another red light..he came next 2me..never even looked at me ..lol..i was looking
i won ..i dont know bikes much ..but it was black/yellow looked [******] new and shiny with a black right exhaust and polished tip !! its a true kill no flames 2 bikes owners ..just im more in love with my viper today i should thank Sean for his support and great service.
here is some B&B setup pic's:
here is some B&B setup pic's: