Here is the bottom line on cabin heat. Exhaust upgrades, delay it a bit, due to less backpressure. The heat is generated by the engine, and will eventually migrate into the car somewhat, but it's only after much around town cruising, or extended highway running, that you start to notice it. If your running around in trafic in the hot sun, this will bring it on quicker. I really only drive around at night, and hardly ever run the A/C as it takes from the driving experiance, and creates heat buildup of it's own. There are a few other fixes for this heat buildup. Ron I'll email you some good info on what I've heard.
As Dan said, he has adjusted to his, so have I.
If someone said I had to drive this car in the Texas heat for several hours a day, I may have a problem with that, but then I would be running the A/C You really don't need it at night, with the windows down. After you park the car, for lets say for an hour or so, then get back in, you'll notice much heat has came into the car. It will fade somewhat once you start moving. Just think of the advantage in the cooler parts of the year.
Don't let this discourage you from buying the car at all, and as I said you can delay it's onset a bit, and knock the temp down a little also. Only the peak summertime will you take notice to this.
I'm going do some R/D on this soon.
Skip White