Can any of you guys take a look at my first log file since I installed my LC-1 with my air fuel?
I started out in 2nd gear around 3000 rpm. I think I let off the gas a little before I nailed it and that is where it goes to almost 17. When I am WOT it's around 10 or 11, then when I let off a little to shift it goes up to around 13 then stays around 11 again till I let off. Should I be concerned about the high numbers (lean) when I am not WOT?

I started out in 2nd gear around 3000 rpm. I think I let off the gas a little before I nailed it and that is where it goes to almost 17. When I am WOT it's around 10 or 11, then when I let off a little to shift it goes up to around 13 then stays around 11 again till I let off. Should I be concerned about the high numbers (lean) when I am not WOT?