The word would be PROVIDED not PROCURED. READ, go to kindergarten. And no I do not work for a magazine and as such would never "procure" a vehicle for them. Can you understand that? Probably not.
The correct response for the question in this thread was posted in #14 and indicates that the Viper was not a requested participant for this particular test. Everything after that by you, 1BAD, is to try show your vast knowledge of automotive and magazine business knowledge and to demonstrate once again your complete inability to spell. I do say spell and not type as you consistently misspell these words indicating it is a lack of language training and not typing.
As to your other request to provide personal information on a web site it goes without saying that you do not deserve such information, nor is appropriate for public posting.
When you can not even spell simple words like (all of these were demonstrated in this specific thread):
experiance it is spelled experience
theres it is spelled there's in this instance as it is a contraction for there is
Challanger it is spelled Challenger
forcasted it is spelled forecast
skedules it is spelled schedules and my 6 year old knows it was wrong
Lets it is spelled Let's in this instance as it is a contraction for let us
ect It is etc. abbreviation for etcetera
protocalls it is protocols
verses it is versus
your in this instance it is supposed to be a truncation for you are you're
And finally, why do you come here to the VCA site and state yourself as the following when you are none of them and usually speak of other peoples experiences and property.
Magazine vehicle procurement expert
High end boating expert
Drag racing expert