The "lemons to lemons" pictures are as biased as any other still photos from the gen II posters. The most honest car impressions will come from seeing them in person and during videos when they are in motion like the linked comparison test. Obviously there are very dated aspects of the Gen II compared to the gen V. I will definitely admit that the overall design of the gen 5 is spot on and I also agree that the low window shape looks fantastic. However when seeing the car in person, the Gen II just looks a bit more exotic and oturageous. However, as a whole, the new car is just plain better. With that said, it's clear that the Gen II still looks amazing, still is plenty fast and most importantly, very fun to drive. Hopefully these cars stop being undervalued by the Viper community and people appreciate their actual worth. The Viper community dictates the price of the cars, not the market. It's just cheap people get the car for a discount, then try to unload for a little less and then that person does the same. When they come to the forum other people who sold their cars for cheap are the first to try to convince the other's to sell cheap. You don't see that in the NSX community. Just ours. heck even terminator 03 cobras tend to sell at a better price to MSRP than the vipers. There are not many vipers in existence and just because you see a lot on ebay or AT at any given time doesn't negate that there are probably only a few thousand 96-2002 GTS cars left in the US. In another 10 years, cut that in half. I would imagine price begins to climb sooner than later just from the rarity and continued totaling of these already limited productoin cars....