I'll be there as well.
Great turnout,that yellow ACR was awesome wasn`t it?
Good to meet some of the Jacksonville guys as well.
Thanks, Matt for keeping us in the loop on this one. Hope to see you all again next month.
No problem, hopefully next month I get some time to walk around and talk to people instead of having to direct all the traffic.
Meet this coming weekend! 5/29
We'll be there. Any idea what the "spotlighted" type will be this time? Last month was awesome. Met about 7 new Viper guys and gals.
What's the actual address, I would love to make June's meet.
Looks like there was a pretty good turn out. If you were coming from Cocoa Beach would you recommend taking 528 to 417 or 95 to 46?
Ok who is the guy wearing the God made vipers so vette guys have heros? haha I love that shirt and I wear mine all of the time!