I tried to rip ***** off? How in the hell do you figure that? Because I sold them for a little more than I paid? Since when is that ripping someone off? LMAO! I should be getting PAID to have to deal with your crap! Did you know that we live in America? YOU'RE the rip off, and everyone knows it! ***** has his money! I overnighted it to him! Where is mine? I don't have the wheels either! I trust people to do what they say, but you're definitely marked off that list. Should I post all the emails that you sent saying you'd pay me the money back? "Cover me for a couple of days and I'll get you the cash plus the shipping!" Your words EXACTLY! ***** is storing the wheels until I get paid for them. Saves me having to ship them all around the country for nothing. If you were worth a squirt of piss, you'd send me the money for the misrepresented wheels and the shipping. Oh, but you're not! I've sold as much stuff on here as you, and I've never had a problem! Can you say the same? So far you have one guy that has vouched for you, a couple that have spoken out against you, and MANY more that have probably not seen this post. I think it's rediculous that I have to come on this board and out you like this, but you've left me no other choice. So I'll just ruin your reputation so that you can't rip anyone else off. Each and every time you post anything for sale here, I'll be sure to give my two cents.