I looked into the Alley years ago, but it felt like I was looking at Corral.net so I stuck to this side of the tracks. STILL don't own a Viper though. 
I have an account on the Alley, but haven't posted there in quite a long time. There seem to be 2 kinds of people who frequent the forums there. 1. People who like to have fun and enjoy a little friendly ribbing, and 2. People who abuse everyone around them to the greatest extent possible, call it "fun" and convince themselves that either it's all innocent, or that they have too much money to care what others think about them. (at least it used to be that way, but I haven't visited there in awhile).
It's the ones who act on a forum like they would never dream of acting in person to a bunch of strangers that keep me from going there. I respect their right to think I'm a ********* for feeling that way, but of course that's why I don't go there.
If, as AngleIron suggests, I'm too tightly wound, or am capable of making rare gems from fossil fuels, I guess I'm ok with that. I've never found being blatantly insulting to others or taking the same from others to be a terribly useful skill anywhere but there, so I'll take the label of 'can't hang with the boys' and move on without losing too much sleep.
For the non-Vile, this place is much more fun.
My 0.02.
I find it funny that you can get neg/pos rep on a forum and think it has any outcome on real life...still it was a funny trick!
It's like the tide and goes up and down. Heck, golly gee willikers, the politics here ran me off for awile some time ago. This place has certainly improved with the changing of the guard but it's had it's low moments. If you don't like the product, change, is my motto.
Two different sites for two different reasons. Its kinda nice to have a place to cut loose once in a while.
Two different sites for two different reasons. Its kinda nice to have a place to cut loose once in a while.
The Alley? Who cares! You walk into a wall, it hurts, you learn not to do it again. You go to the Alley, get ridiculed over and over and over...you learn not to do it again. If it hurts then don't do it.