Viper Owner
I have a '96 GTS, and have problems getting the throttle linkage adjusted to give me Both full throttle (left AND right) and smooth performance. I cannot have both, it seems. If I adjust the linkage for full bore on both sides, it bucks badly. I can eliminate the bucking by backing off on the passenger side throttle body adjustment, to allow the passenger side to come in later, but this causes an eight of an inch of throttle to be lost on the passenger side. Is this caused by the throttle cable being stretched, or is the slack or play in the crossover bar between the throttle bodies the culprit? There IS a little play in that part of the linkage between the throttle bodies, but I don't know if there is an adjustment to eliminate this slack or freeplay. The car has 27,000 miles, and is in pretty good shape otherwise. I have smooth tubes, K&N's, Row VE1 computer, performance cats, and 3" exhaust. It is pretty strong, but has this linkage quirk. Anyone have a suggestion? Could a Viper tech be the solution, or is there something I can do? Thanks.