Chris Marshall Alley Post

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Nov 8, 2000
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Dallas, TX US
You can likely see that we deleted the thread linking in the CM Alley post, we have a policy of not allowing personal attacks, and that extends even to those at the VOA, former leaders of this club, etc. In addition, "hate" speech is not really about what this site is about, so after receiving multiple complaints about the thread it was removed, and the thread starter notified.

The delay to deletion was due to Memorial Day, or we would have done it sooner.

So to the content of the CM post. To say different people interpret the activities of 2010-2013 differently is putting it mild. We have legal actions, 2 clubs, and a whole lot of ********** people, and a loss of a lot of what we had that was great. It is time to put it all behind us, and enjoy these cars, each other, and hopefully keep the car alive.

There is an event in Detroit, we have a great event at VOI, there are events all over the country, that's what this is about. We could wax on about the past, but none of the current VCA leadership team was there in 2010 when all this stuff started, so we have no business second guessing it. We have learned from what we think are mistakes: NO board member makes a single dime in any way from the treasury, we pay for events just like you do (like VOI, so we want it to be as awesome as you do, cause we're paying the same freight); NO close friends/lovers/spouses have ANY business relationships with the VCA, we put every business relationship out to bid and choose the best and lowest bid, for everything. Raffles will be 100% by the book (and they are difficult, you can't just call them a different name, unfortunately.) We are showing real financials on real financial software (it's taken a 6 months to piece together the 2012 financials, it will take us hours to do the 2013 ones.

Lastly, the Marshall's, in addition to their (paid for) service to the VCA over the years, have donated literally hundreds, if not thousands of hours to the VCA. While they are no longer involved with the VCA as of 12/31/13, we (as we have consistently stated) thank them for their service and support over the years. Just as we thank the literally hundreds of volunteers to the VCA over our near 20 year history.

if you have specific questions, we will try our best to answer, but please keep paragraph 1 in mind.

Thanks, and Happy Memorial Day, we hope you had better weather than we had in Dallas...



Nov 8, 2000
Reaction score
Dallas, TX US
Speaking in a derogatory manner about a protected class (race, religion, ****** orientation, etc). I guess we can add Vipers to that list, no (continuous) hating on the Viper around these parts, please :)



Nov 26, 2007
Reaction score
You can likely see that we deleted the thread linking in the CM Alley post
Thank you. There is good moderation and poor moderation. This was of the good variety. :2tu:


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
You can likely see that we deleted the thread linking in the CM Alley post, we have a policy of not allowing personal attacks, and that extends even to those at the VOA, former leaders of this club, etc............................

Lastly, the Marshall's, in addition to their (paid for) service to the VCA over the years, have donated literally hundreds, if not thousands of hours to the VCA. While they are no longer involved with the VCA as of 12/31/13, we (as we have consistently stated) thank them for their service and support over the years. Just as we thank the literally hundreds of volunteers to the VCA over our near 20 year history.



I like you, and always have. I find you to be intelligent and fair-minded. I have even 'defended' you to a couple of 'blind detractors' in recent months. [You would, and have, done the same for me.] That said, your conciliatory comment above has inspired me out of apathetic exile to say my short paragraph:

From 1932-1940, many Millions of God-fearing Germans rose to thank Adolph for his service to his country. Thanking a self-serving, power-hungry abuser for building his own power base and income within his hand-built dictatorship, cultured by restraint-of-trade and character assassination, would be equivalent to thanking ****** in 1946 for the good years.......


Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
It's interesting. In the third paragraph of your post, you delineate all of the things the CURRENT VCA board IS NOT doing. Obviously they are exactly the things that the regime led by Marsall, Spatz, Stubbetfied and Corcheoleone, did with impunity. A tip of the hat to the Marshalls is absolutely out of bounds. It was his leadership as head of the gang of four that led to a bad situation for the VCA. IF the Findal days had been handled with some reconciliation, there would be only one club. There were plenty of opportunities for the VCA to continue on with new management in place. Chris and his minions made that impossible.
I agree this should all be put behind us, but as long as the current management continues to put the Marshall years on its "best of" album it will never cease.


Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
Lee Summit Mo.
From 1932-1940, many Millions of God-fearing Germans rose to thank Adolph for his service to his country. Thanking a self-serving, power-hungry abuser for building his own power base and income within his hand-built dictatorship, cultured by restraint-of-trade and character assassination, would be equivalent to thanking ****** in 1946 for the good years.......
As the grandson of a Battle of the Bulge veteran and the great nephew of an uncle that lost his life on Omaha beach
I would point out that Chris Marshall is not like ****** and the situation does not resemble your reference. This is a perfect example of the idiocy on BOTH sides of the issue! Thank you all for tearing apart the club due to your fragile ego's and your inability to act in any way other than serving your self interests.

Viper X

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
May 1, 2004
Reaction score

Please be advised that Chris Marshall is not an officer or director of the VCA or VPA. He is not authorized to make any statement or take any position on behalf of the VCA or VPA. Any statement he has made on any website, including by not limited to the VA website, is his personal opinion and is not in any way endorsed by the VCA.

See you at the VOI13 COTA.

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Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
Vacaville, California

Please be advised that Chris Marshall is not an officer or director of the VCA or VPA. He is not authorized to make any statement or take any position on behalf of the VCA or VPA. Any statement he has made on any website, including by not limited to the VA website, is his personal opinion and is not in any way endorsed by the VCA.

See you at the VOI13 COTA.



Understood what you say above, but I gotta ask....why does he not post here? Also, if he is still a member of the VCA, did he not sign the agreement that he could be kicked out of the club and or forum if he posts things even on other websites that are not in agreement with the VCA management views and direction? Does the VCA officially endorse what he is posting over on the Alley?

Not trying to stir the sh#t, but things seem to be moving forward for both clubs (VOI event, Homecoming, forums seem to be doing good, people actually talking about Viper stuff) and then he stirs the *** again over at the Alley. This pretty much set everything back again 6 months. And for some, the statements he spews will be challenged by many of us. His post did nothing to help any situation as I can see....if anything, it hurt the VCA overall.


Viper X

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
May 1, 2004
Reaction score

Understood what you say above, but I gotta ask....why does he not post here?

Hi George,

I can not guess why he continues to surface from time to time and stir the ***, really, I cannot. I can speculate, but won't.

Also, if he is still a member of the VCA, did he not sign the agreement that he could be kicked out of the club and or forum if he posts things even on other websites that are not in agreement with the VCA management views and direction?

There is no agreement of this sort at the VCA that I know of, never has been. We at the VCA cannot control what anyone says on any other websites. Heck, we get grief from some when we try to limit inappropriate comments on our own website.

Does the VCA officially endorse what he is posting over on the Alley?

Of course not. That is the reason I replied so quickly and will restate it here, he does not speak for any of us and offers only his opinion.

Not trying to stir the sh#t, but things seem to be moving forward for both clubs (VOI event, Homecoming, forums seem to be doing good, people actually talking about Viper stuff) and then he stirs the *** again over at the Alley.

Agree. I was told some time ago that dealing with the owners of expensive cars can be like "herding cats".....and it can be.
There's just no way to control what folks in this group might say or do. If they become passionate enough about something, they will find a way to express it.

This pretty much set everything back again 6 months.

Wouldn't say that. Just consider the source.

And for some, the statements he spews will be challenged by many of us. His post did nothing to help any situation as I can see....if anything, it hurt the VCA overall.

From what I have read of his post, it represents his "paradigm" or view of the Viper world, which our leadership team and I don't share with him. I've always been more about driving my Vipers and other cars and having fun with other Viper owners and enthusiasts, just as you and as most others do.


He clearly has an axe to grind and as above, consider the source, and consider that most of us really don't join a car club to experience this type of negativity.

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Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Folks, rest assured that any "views" I post obviously do not reflect what the VCA is doing or their beliefs. That was the main reason I didn't post here. The purpose of my post was to simply clear the air and show that the VCA did nothing wrong as a whole. What one or two 2013 officers did can be debated ad nauseam, but the VCA as a whole was doing what it thought was right. I simply posted verifiable facts over on Viper Alley - knowing full well that it would be controversial as very, very few were aware of those facts. Their is no conjecture on my part - I can happily give you the names of people at Chrysler to verify them, provide receipts, published comments (newsletters, regional websites, and forums), and emails that verify every single one of those facts. Surely others notice that some can never do the same - only throw out personal insults/attacks like the ****** comment above?

The reason for that Viper Alley post was twofold. First was to clear the VCA from the ongoing comments being made about the club that are simply not true. The accusations of being corrupt, lack of transparency, and so much more were simply distractions to try to get Viper owners over to a different group, one that largely duplicated every possible facet of the VCA. The reality is that ONE person got suspended and ONE person at the manufacturer put enormous pressure on the club to overturn that suspension. That's it. Anybody that wanted to make it an ethics debate now have those facts as well. As for "reconciliation", there was a new board in place in January 2013 and they could have done anything they wanted to. Neither Marv or myself were on the VCA board or had even a single vote between us. The 2013 VCA board had the opportunity to overturn that suspension anytime they wanted to - assuming that is all that was left to "reconcile", as the club had done everything else asked of it.

The second was to correct the record when it came to the lynching of my wife and me. There was no "power grab" - the VCA board of directors voted unanimously to appoint us to the positions we were in. Nobody else stepped up to offer to help the club - not one. We offered to step down several times - happy to share the emails if you like. No "conditional" resignations either, we offered to simply "go away" in order to help the club defend those personal attacks. Those offers were turned down each and every time. Ask Dan. As for "greed", Coast to Coast wasn't paid one single penny that wasn't unanimously discussed and approved by the VCA board of directors, including the January 2013 board when they extended that contract just last summer. C2C didn't make any demands or threaten to walk away if such demands weren't met - the club was the one that approached C2C and offered to extend the agreement. I can even share the VCA emails asking us to stay on after VOA formed. As for VPA, with the VCA owning 100% of it they could have removed me at any time or simply asked me to leave. I even offered to step down as noted above - and it was refused. The VCA appointed an independent Financial Oversight Committee and they found absolutely nothing amiss, including the VPA payroll. I suspect that the current cost to run VPA (payroll) is still largely the same - nobody is getting rich from it, that's for sure. Heck, why don't you ask other parts vendors how much they get paid, even as a percentage of revenue?

One last note about "hate speech" - there was none in that post. I mentioned the facts about one particular VCA detractor and the fact that his new club hired somebody from the same community - someone he previously dated. Like everything else, there are numerous emails from that person (a 2013 VCA National Officer) encouraging the VCA to exploit his ****** orientation in order to rally others in that same community. I don't care in the slightest about anybody's race, religion, or ****** preferences. When somebody makes that a cornerstone of their public position, it should be noted when they are also using it to benefit themselves or their friends.

I truly wish the best for the VCA and Viper owners. We and the rest of the past VCA management did everything possible to make the Viper ownership experience better, as well as help Chrysler sell more cars. I am sure that the current VCA leadership has the same basic goals in mind, given what we have seen thus far. It is indeed a time to heal the Viper community and move forward. You won't be hearing from us again.


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
5% nuggets of verifiable truth, spun and camouflaged with 95% inuendo, crafted with a motive to misdirect, conceal, and deceive, do NOT equate to telling the truth. And yet that is your legacy.

Appointing insider-chosen, self-serving 'committees' [with near-ZERO financial acumen] to help rubber-stamp your ludicrous 'Financial Oversight' document is a perfect example of telling members (as well as Chrysler) only 5% of the truth, wrapped in 95% smoke. Widely regarded as monumental spin, the members of those committees and/or *** later denounced and/or detached themselves from that deceitful exercise and they departed a once-great club. Very Unfortunate that some (blindly?) did not see the big-picture sooner, which they now seem to deeply regret.

Hint: Why in hell would a *** even want to re-invent a whole new club? It would be / was a necessary nightmare!

The topic of this thread is the marshall-post on Viper Alley (link banned from this site.) It's all OLD INFO! Your diatribe there is yet another hatchet-job of spinning the truth, personally attacking those who abandoned and exposed you. [A couple of them might be well-advised to seek a restraining order.] After your multi-page manifesto there, what's next: Perhaps a You-Tube woe-is-me video telling the world how unloved you are?

Dan, Greg, John, et-al had club healing going along just fine until your Alley-Attack. They certainly don't need your endorsement! Proof of that healing is that JonB can make this post in 2013-2014.

That healing is undoubtedly what motivated / provoked you into this attempted resurrection. 'We Wont be hearing from you again' is likely a 5% truth as well....
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Dec 20, 2002
Reaction score
I see no reason to continue this thread. Opinions and facts have been presented. JonB got the last word in,as usual. Close it.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
I agree. It should be closed. Both clubs need to accentuate the positive and move forward.
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