Well it's been a while....we finally received a letter from Chrysler's attorney, signed, that they will not attempt to repo my car "without a duly noticed hearing and court order approving same".
We have court in the morning on our Motion to Dismiss so everyone please feel free to say a little prayer, cross your fingers, etc.
Thanks in advance.
Hopefully some good news tomorrow.
Hope it goes well for you. The case law seems impressive. No notice of a lein on the vehicle in your state is a big deal.
Unfortunately, motions, such as this one, in most states don't get very far if there is lots of money involved. The court wants to dig deeper and get to the heart of the matter.
There must be plenty going on behind the scenes here. Still want to know what happened to the Repo people, if they were allowed to get the car/when that happened, etc.
Seems to be lots of facts out there the judge can sink his teeth into.
If you win, then you can "drive it like you stole it" and actually make some jokes for the rest of your life about it.