Hello Members .........
The Clam-Bake is coming up on us really really soon...........
I have two decisions to consider since the club is no longer subsidizing the cost of the event...
The entire cost with the menu, as it has been for 6 years...all cooked, catered and served plus clean up included.
1 1/4 lobster, steak, chicken, steamed clams, corn on the cob, garden salad, red potatoes, strawberry short
Custom event N. E. Viper Cake, assortment of drinks (alcohol, wine and soda).
This also included the accessories like chairs, tables, table cloths, transportation for dumping.
The cost is $50.00 / mouth....your N. E. Viper club absorbed $ 15.00 / Member in previous years.
You may have wondered how the club could create such a great event for only $ 35.00.
Your club was kicking in on your behaft .
The club is allocating the funds to a different channel this year............ soooo..... the Clam Bake is on it's on.
I need to hear from all member's a.s.a.p....
Do you feel $ 50.00 is too expensive.??? ...
This Question is to all member's and I need answers "like now".!!!!!
Would you rather the cost be lowered and not have any of it catered.???????
This would require club member to supply, cook , serve and clean-up the entire event...
My intension was to create an event where a member would relax, laugh, enjoy some fantastic automotive bling and muscle,
enjoy each other company, and laugh some more and of course, enjoy a great meal.
I did not expect any member's, member's wives and member's guest to wait on and serve any other members.
The function was for all members to enjoy each other, not to have the wait on each other.
Please ......I need to hear from you ....ALL......... including all you wife's....
It's your club.......... speak up...

The Clam-Bake is coming up on us really really soon...........
I have two decisions to consider since the club is no longer subsidizing the cost of the event...

The entire cost with the menu, as it has been for 6 years...all cooked, catered and served plus clean up included.
1 1/4 lobster, steak, chicken, steamed clams, corn on the cob, garden salad, red potatoes, strawberry short
Custom event N. E. Viper Cake, assortment of drinks (alcohol, wine and soda).
This also included the accessories like chairs, tables, table cloths, transportation for dumping.
The cost is $50.00 / mouth....your N. E. Viper club absorbed $ 15.00 / Member in previous years.
You may have wondered how the club could create such a great event for only $ 35.00.
Your club was kicking in on your behaft .
The club is allocating the funds to a different channel this year............ soooo..... the Clam Bake is on it's on.
I need to hear from all member's a.s.a.p....
Do you feel $ 50.00 is too expensive.??? ...

This Question is to all member's and I need answers "like now".!!!!!
Would you rather the cost be lowered and not have any of it catered.???????
This would require club member to supply, cook , serve and clean-up the entire event...

My intension was to create an event where a member would relax, laugh, enjoy some fantastic automotive bling and muscle,
enjoy each other company, and laugh some more and of course, enjoy a great meal.
I did not expect any member's, member's wives and member's guest to wait on and serve any other members.
The function was for all members to enjoy each other, not to have the wait on each other.
Please ......I need to hear from you ....ALL......... including all you wife's....

It's your club.......... speak up...