I'm about to shell out $70 bucks,($46 for lights & $22 for shipping), for a 5 dolla set of clear marker lights.
Before I do, does anyone have a set lying around they want to sell me, I'll give ya $45 shipped to Toronto, (shipping will be a couple bucks). Ya, I'm being a tight a$$, so what.
I have searched for these trailer lights that are supposed to be the same, but could only find amber and red, I think it is a myth.
Before I do, does anyone have a set lying around they want to sell me, I'll give ya $45 shipped to Toronto, (shipping will be a couple bucks). Ya, I'm being a tight a$$, so what.

I have searched for these trailer lights that are supposed to be the same, but could only find amber and red, I think it is a myth.