club "doorman" makes funny comment


Oct 27, 2007
Reaction score
I was working and part of my job is that I have to drive by the local club and make sure people arent gettin too crazy ect. So it was 80's night and the girls had all their crazy hair do's ect.

I pull up the front of the club and holy crap!!!!! Did someone steal my car????!!!!

Parked right in front of the club takeing up two parking spaces was a 2005 yellow srt10 viper!!! now Ive only seen maybe 5-6 srt10's in my life and this was my second yellow sighting..

So it really did take a second for me to realize that the car had the gen3 hood and stock rims and wasnt mine..WHEWWWW.....

So I go up to the doorman/security who I know as we have to work together when things happen...And I ask him who's Viper that was..

He laughs and says that guys climbed out of it 30 minutes ago. He then said that he could still smell the testosterone in the air..Him and the other club security started laughing. he then said He couldnt really point them out in the crowd but If I wait in the bathroom they will be the ones with 3 inch penises..

Him...the other club security and even myself were all just rolling with laughter right by the club door..

After a minute I pulled out my cell phone and showed them all pictures of my yellow srt10...They all laughed and apologized many mant times...They couldnt belieave they had just said that when I have the same car!!!!!

I just laughed and said..Yes it's true..I do have a very small penis and thats also why I have the Viper and the job I have..

We all laughed and laughed!:lmao:

David Pintaric

Viper Owner
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
Canfield, OH
II just laughed and said..Yes it's true..I do have a very small penis and thats also why I have the Viper and the job I have..

We all laughed and laughed!:lmao:

Good response. Not that I really care about this, but your comment probably means you're a bit more well-endowed. But who's measuring? Not me! :rolaugh:

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