I had a clunk from the rear, when putting torque on the wheels. (As when you let the clutch out)
Dealer tech did the following
1. Tightened all nuts and bolts under the car
2. Changed rear axle
3. Checked dozens of things, including half shaft U-joints, driveshaft, shaft splines, frame rails, motor mounts, steering rack, blah blah blah, etc etc
None of the above did anything to fix the problem. Then they started telling me it was just body noise, and lots of cars also do the same thing, and its probably nothing, etc. Since they couldn't find it, they tried to tell me they all do it, and even cited examples of other customer's cars that do the same thing, only worse.
At this point, I was thinking about invoking California's Lemon Law, but I had to give them every opportunity to try and fix it, before they give up, which they didn't, to their credit.
The last thing they tried fixed the issue!!! Yaaa!
They changed the right rear wheel hub. Seems the soft aluminum alloy hub gets peened out by the steel outer race of the wheel bearing. As it gets worse, the wheel bearing starts to shift around in the carrier, especially during the initial application of torque.
Anyway, its gone now, and I'm a happy camper again...