Ok, so I'm fast asleep here and the warden starts slapping the bars telling me I've got to answer a thread about cold air boxes. Fine, fine...start by taking the cuffs off.
"I have been looking on this forum and online for a cold air intake for my 2000 RT/10 viper. I have not found one. Is it not a good idea to modify the car to have one? Do i need to create my own?"
- Not one? What!?! Not one? Search function, Dude search function. There is 83 threads talking about ONLY cold air intakes. 14 of them require significant modification to the lower fascia...and a few of them are done by guys from TEXAS....TEXAS!? What does THAT tell you? Of course TREESNAKE is right, the "thats not right" was focused on the "not found one" comment.
"Membership and pieholes."
Dave is right..it was a "JOIN VCA YOU CHEAP F*#CKING BAST#RD" rant. Right, right...I got to work on that one. Ahhhm, Sir, would you please consider supporting the only thread dedicated to a club of Viper enthusiasts? We really, really do like our Vipers and spend alot of time working on the problem issues. When you join not only do you get access to photo how-tos that specifically discuss adding high flow filters and smooth tubes with cold air access, but a whole lot more.
Plumcrazy is of course right for everybody but heavy trackers. How do we know this? IAT sensors tell us that there is a strict limit that seems to be available for standard front mounted air filter units. You can make abig difference and then it ends. I think some folks confuse cold air accross the radiator with cold air accross the radiator and the air filters.
As to all the non members that don't like my opinion on joing the VCA....GO...well you know. Hey would you pick up that bar of soap?
Steve below is right! When I wrote these, it was open access. Now with alot of non members not accessing the How Tos we get BIG numbers of questions about.....you got it.....already answered stuff.
Dave, your right, there is history, about a year before you joined the club was basically all naked women Viper owners...went to hell in a handbasket so fast. I think we should let Chad go back to membership.
FE06, you have lawn? Nice! As to "pulled like a ***** ape" did you ever consider taking the JMB off the lawn mower and putting one of yours on, if so, send along some IAT comparison graphs of the two. I take it the cold air pick ups are at the fog lamps? Well, you dont run your lawn mower in the rain...right?
Did Robby the Robot want his arms back eventually?