Comp Cams vs Trickflow vs ??? for T&D installation.


Jul 30, 2001
Reaction score
Virginia Beach
I wanted to know from any of the tech-elite if using the trick flow pushrods
was OK instead of the comp cam part # CCA-7963-16...basically is there a preferred brand?

The 7963's part description: 5/16" Diameter, 7.70 Length. 4130 chromemoly. .080 in. wall thickness. heat-treated to a minimum hardness of 60 on the Rockwell C scale.

The trick flow's part# TFS-21407700: 5/16", 7.70, heat-treated for use with guideplates, and the oil holes are drilled and chamfered to .093 in to prevent stress fractures and cracks.

I dont understand the last sentence in the trick flow's desc.

Any others, or a "Best option"?

Jack B

Nov 5, 2000
Reaction score
NE Ohio
The spec's appear to be identical, either is an improvement over the stock rods. I just installed the Trick Flow's and researched both. There seems to be a misconception that our cars take a single length push rod. The 7.700 length may work with your car, however, the T&D's have a narrow adjustment range. The spec is one complete turn up or down from the set point, which is one full turn (down) from full up.

The limitation is an oil gallery in the rocker that is fed thru the push rod. The gallery gets restricted if you run the adjusting nut down more than two full turns (set point plus one turn). You also expose a structurally compromised area of the rocker adjusting bolt by going more than two turns down. They probably have a safety margin in their instructions, but what is it.

My car had stock rods which were marked with a single black line. After shimming the T&D's for geometry, a measurement showed the stock rods would have worked and they were a 7.60. I ended up with the 7.60 Trick Flows. One comment about length, the after market rods due to the formed end may measure differently than the stock rods. In other words the two might have a specified length of 7.60, however, they could measure differently with a micrometer.

If your car does not require any shims to get the correct rocker/valve geometry the 7.70 length rod could be to long. One thing I didn't do was check the threads/inch on the adjusters, if that is known it would be easier to forecast success with different length rods. I will verify the thread type and post a range for a given rod. Maybe someone posting on this board has already verified the thread type and could interject.

Here is a scary thought there are probably a few tuners that have installed the T&D's several times and do an excellent job in a short time however, this is a job where you should measure twice and cut once. I wonder how many good mechanics hurry thru this for the first time and hand over an install that is less than perfect.

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