I've read a few different articles about these plants closing down and just about every article quotes a Chrysler or UAW rep with something like this: "Virtually no Chrysler plant received commitments beyond the scope of their current product," the leaflet said, according to Bloomberg. "As a result, the plant-by-plant threats we've experienced ... will continue."
It doesn't appear there's a plan for the Viper beyond 2008 right now. I'm certain if Dodge announces a 2009 Viper the plant will stay open. Would love to know what the plans are for the Viper, will there be production in 2009,2010,etc? They might want to announce that soon.
It doesn't appear there's a plan for the Viper beyond 2008 right now. I'm certain if Dodge announces a 2009 Viper the plant will stay open. Would love to know what the plans are for the Viper, will there be production in 2009,2010,etc? They might want to announce that soon.