Everyone who has either one seems to love their choice. Why? They BOTH sound better than stock! I missed the year of your Viper..... it matters! The gains and benefits are more pronounced in 03-06......
That said..... the Borla <quality vs Corsa is obvious when you see them side-by-side. The price reflects as well.
The Borla is a hot-rod-drone-resonanating sound......poppy decel sounds vs a burble. Some owners love it...many wifes HATE it, and wont ride any more. (Good Thing for some?)
Corsa technology isolates and CANCELS the uneven frequencies to 'mellow-out' the drone. None. Sounds great at WOT, and decel-burble is wonderful.
We offer both, at competitive prices. So do several VCA Sponsor-vendors here. PLEASE support one of us, and not just flea-bay-bottom feeders on price alone. And flea-bay can have inferior-fit, years-old stock from a couple major parts wholesaler bankruptcies.
Know Your Vendor.....Thanks.