No one is saying a SRT-10 doesn't get attention. And most agree the performance is great! And yes, the interior is refined and more comfortable. And yes, it is a great performance value. And those brakes, WOW!!! And the suspension, hold on tight! ALL GREAT THINGS! But, you are living in fantasy land if you think it is dropping jaws like the GEN II did in 1996. You could put a Gen II GTS next to a Diablo in '96 and both were equally impressive and radical in the styling department - I even prefer the GTS due to it's menacing look! THAT IS AMAZING! Now ask yourself this: Put a current SRT-10 or VOI concept coupe next to a Murcialago? Is there even a comparison? NO. Should there be? WHY NOT? Since 1992, the Viper's styling has been as jaw dropping as most exotics, or more so than most, IMO.
On the other hand, put the GTS-R concept next to a Murcialago. I think they are both extremely radical, agressive, and no-hold-bared. It would be tough to choose which car is more ominous. It's a Viper, dam'it, it has to be RADICAL! It has to be MEAN! It has to DESTROY everything in it's path! For you owners that want something a little more tame and less agressive, go with the SRT-10. It is more subdued, which is not a bad thing in many people's opinion. BUT PLEASE KEEP THE COUPE'S STYLING NO-HOLD-BARED, BARE KNUCKLE, KICK IN THE B*LLS, BAD ASP,