Jason --
You are on the right track in trying to soften some of the sharp lines in the front of the car to blend with the curved lines at the rear. However, it is not just as simple as adding a curve here and there. The whole design has to be integrated together so that it flows from one end to the other.
Many thought the Gen III was too radical a departure from the Gen II design. However, we have the Gen III and lots of owners are perfectly happy with the way it looks. So, I don't think there is a need to make the new cars look like the Gen II -- it should just look like one
DCX started the trend on the latest model by adding back in curved lines and your instinct is right to try to deal with the straight lines in the front that make the car look like a Vette and a few other cars. It may also be a perfectly valid exercise to straighten some of the new lines on the rear so that they blend with the front more.
All of this is hard to do with only Photoshop because of its limitations, but don't get discouraged. We appreciate your efforts to stretch all of our imaginations.