Display or leave in boxes?

snake dreams

Mar 11, 2002
Reaction score
Littlestown, PA
I am starting to expand my Viper collection and for the larger models I was considering taking them out of the boxes and displaying them in a glass case in my bedroom. Do you guys think it would be a better idea to let them in the boxes? I don't plan on selling them, but having them in the boxes assures that they keep their value. How do you guys have yours displayed?


Apr 7, 2001
Reaction score
If in doubt buy two! :D One for the display and keep one in the box.

Matt M PA

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Langhorne, PA USA
snakedreams...at one time I had an enornous collection of H:O slot cars. Some of these from the '50s and '60s were very valuable, in or out of the package as long as they were in mint condition. The difference in value was slight.

That said...current "collectibles" are going to take forever to gain in value. These days, too many people are putting things away in hopes of these items being very valuable in the future.

There is no sure-fire way to guage what will, or will not be a hot thing in the future. Most of today's items are simply too mass produced to ever see the values that we have seen in the past. Remember, back in the '50s and '60s things that are now collectibles were simply products...no one ever even thought about them beingworth something in the future. So, they were used up and discarded, and are now collectible.

Geez did I get long winded. My experience in collectible taught me a few things.

First. Buy things you like, because you like them. Do not buy for potential future value.

Second. If you will better enjoy these out of the package and on your desk, in a case, whatever...do it and enjoy. If you are enjoying it...why worry about the next guy down the line. Have it your way.

Third. The only people that make money in collectibles are the dealers.

Again...do what you want. Enjoy these things. Chances are, (with exceptions) that by the time you are tired of them and ready to sell...you'll belucky to break even.

One final note. On my desk at work, there has been the Hot Wheels Red-white-blue Viper GTS in the plastic case. A friend of mine is a Hot Wheels collector and has been trying to get it from me for a long time. He says it is valuable and that it should not be on my desk...it should be put away. Well, you know what? Everytime I see it, I am glad it's there and I like it. How much would I enjoy it if it were stored ina box in the closet?

(For what it's worth, at one time i had a Matchbox collection of over 3000 pieces, and a H:O slot car collection of over 1000 pieces.)


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
I agree completely with Matt. Use them in a way you will enjoy them. Same as with the real Viper.


Feb 14, 2002
Reaction score
Lancaster, PA
I have over 300 corvettes. (I used to have a vette in my previous life..)Everything from 60's plastic/steel ones to Whiskey bottles and radiocontrolled cars. I took them all out of boxes. I kept everything in class cabinets. I enjoyed looking at them everytime I entered the room.
My buddy has similar collection, he has kept everything in boxes in a dark closet. His idea is the value...

Who do you think enjoys the collection more?

I dont care about the value, I just enjoy them. If the value is an issue, do what SRT10 suggested, buy 2 of each. I kept the package only if it was great looking.

Regarding my friend, I told him not to buy a Viper.... He would propably only keep it in garage under the cover. Good thing was the "big" Viper did not come in a crate, he would propably try to find one, just to keep it in it...


VCA International Venom Member
Venom Member
Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Ancaster Ontario, Canada
Snake Dreams....it seems to me that most of these guys are telling you to take the cars OUT OF the original packaging...to "enjoy" them!! I can assure you I get great pleasure out of my collection and EVERYTHING stays in the original packaging!! Besides LOVING the way it looks!! (It's like a hobby shop in my living room....and my dining room...and my den...sigh!!).... YES.....it sure saves lots of space when you take off the boxes,..BUT it doesn't look half as impressive ..of course there's the issue of retaining way more value if you ever do want to resell!...BUT the bigger problem is... without the original boxes..sometimes it's difficult to identify the models (after the fact)..to know if you have "it" already (or not) or even to know some history about the car (who makes it? when was it made..etc...-eh?- DMAX9888 aka Diecast Viper??!!)
My advice is to thnk long and hard before destroying those boxes...once done ..there's no going back!!


Jan 19, 2003
Reaction score
Just thought i would give my point of view too. BTW thanks Maureen ;) I originally started keeping everything in is original packs but it started to look very cluttered and for several reasons i had to start opening.

1. My wife didn't like the way it looked as she is a neat freek.
2. I didn't have a room of my own for the collection
3. I have 3 kids under 5 and they started to mess up some of the packing so i had to start storing (this leads to #4)
4. Since a majority of my collection was stored I didn't know exactly what i had If a model in question came up i would have to search for the item and since i had vipers in may places it was very time consuming

So I started looking for spares one to open and display in cases and one to store away MOMC well this lasted for awhile but i was spending way way to much and i had to stop buying 2 of everything so i went to only buying one of each and opening. I have learned a valuable lesson though. I should have either taken a Photo of the original package or something. I Have been saving some of the backs of the boxes on the models that are from brands i am unformiliar with.

Well, I hope some of this helps as i have collected all 3 ways so can share experiences from either way. I do have to admit that if i had the Money I would collect 2 of each. I enjoy opening and have found many different variations on models that just can't be noticed in th pack (i.e. base variations)

Just to let those who may not know I collect only 1:50th and smaller vipers and have nearly 500 different models. Most of my collection is loose however I do not open really rare variations.

TTYL, And Have fun, David

P.S. Here are some pics of my collection I hope to add more next week as i am still finishing up moving. http://pub37.ezboard.com/fdavesviperforumfrm9.showMessage?topicID=8.topic

Matt M PA

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Langhorne, PA USA
snakedreams....in most cases you can also take the models out of their packages...and fold the boxes flat. That way, they are easy to store. You could always place a post-it note in the folded up box that tells you what model was originally in that box.

One important thing to remember about collecting model cars is that for every 50 you have...1 will be the rare valuable one. When and if you finally decide to sell your collection off...you will find it hard to move the more common items while everyone will want the few rarities. Case in point. A friend of mine had an enviable collection of Model Motoring (those in the know understand this) Vibrator and T-Jet cars. When he sold them, he made up lots with a handfull of common cars and a rare one. This was the only way to make it all go away.

If you never intend to sell you collection....by all means get them outta the boxes and enjoy! If you don't have an interest in selling them...who cares what they are worth?

snake dreams

Mar 11, 2002
Reaction score
Littlestown, PA
Thanks for all the replies! I'm probably going to end up taking some of my 1/18's out of the boxes and displaying them in a glass display case in my room. I just think they would look a lot cooler with their hoods popped and doors open. I'm probably not going to sell them, I love Vipers too much to sell anything that resembles them. Maybe one day I will be able to display them in a garage next to the real thing! By the way, do you guys know where I can find 3rd gen Viper models? Do they even exist? I was looking for a yellow/black Viper, or an ACR edition, but I can't find any anywhere. Thanks a lot!!

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