2 months ago I had a tailgater problem in my Viper. This guy was on my rear for a few miles, far too close, at the stop light he crept right up to my bumper, he was driving a late model Honda SUV, all I saw was an H in my rearview mirror. I got out, yelled at the guy, pointed out he was 1/2" from my bumper, not kidding, he kept repeating "I have radar, I know how close I am". It was extremely aggravating, had to hold back with verbal comments because he had his family with kids in the SUV. Complete ***** with some kind of insecurity problem, heck the Viper is a manual, sometimes may roll back a bit when starting to go. I got back in my car, tricked him into passing me when I acted as if I was turning right, zipped up behind him and wrote down his plate and reported him to the police. Now I'm a bit of a brawny sized fellow, worse things could have happened, easily busted his jaw and I would have went to jail, he could have had a gun, fighting off ***** rapers in jail, felony assault charge, never be able to visit the US with that felony record, maybe lose my job, list goes on. It was best to just report it to the police. I thought, what a **** to be tailgating with his family in the car, could cause an accident, that was more of the reason why I wanted to report him.