I've seen it all too often. Some day you will wake up and realize you worked your life away... for what... a pile of money and some possessions? For a few people, they figure it out when they are in their 30's, some more in their 40's, some in their 50's and so on. I hope you figure it out until it is too late. There are more important things in life than working 60-80 hours a week to to make more and more money in order to buy things. You are missing out on too much of what life has to offer. You (and probably many others on this board) think I am nuts, but there will come a day when you will understand what I am saying... for some it may not be until you are on your death bed, and that will be sad. You may have heard this before, but there is a saying that goes something like this; you will probably never hear a person on their death bed say, "My only regret in life is that I did not spend more time at work!" Just something to ponder...