My window hits the top no matter how fast I close the door. I was hoping someone could explain how I get into the door so I could adjust the glass angle as suggested by Viper Specialty. Anyone? Thanks!
Panel Removal;
-Remove Round Plastic Clips: Push the center of them inwards , when they pop in, you can pull them out. Manually push the center back out above flush for install, then slid in and push flush. They have 3 positions for install, lock, and removal.
-Remove Interior Door Panel "pull" Handle: Allen screw at bottom, phillips heads behind.
-Remove Door Speaker: Phillips head, 2 Torx screws behind the speaker, 1 electrical connector
-Remove Remaining Phillips screw from panel behind interior door panel "exit" handle.
-2 clips will them hold the top of the door panel to the door structure, they must be pulled in an upward motion. If you have small hands, you can reach up inside the door to help collapse the clips and facilitate removal- be careful, you can damage the interior door panel if you yank the black strip off the top. Its a bad design, the clips are often stronger than the panel they are hooked on!
Once you get the panel loose, disconnect electrical connectors and the manual release cable from the back of the door. Remove this by prying the holder out of the handle assembly, then unhook the cable from the handle- this is another pain in the butt.