Interesting note is that the Vins have just popped up in the last few days, and if a Dealer has only one individual getting a car , then it is easy for him to figure out who is recieving said Yellow Screamer. There are no names on any of the Vins, and therefore Chris is right that the plant has no information on who is assigned what. This should be rectified very shortly, but no fault of the plant as numbers needed to be assigned for shipping purposes, etc., and names should follow rapidly. The list price is what has been shown from the beginning, which is great, as the actual cost to run such a short number of specialty vehicles is said to far exceed this ( good example would be the Yellow VCA Edition of Mr. Tran's which exceeded 100+K ). The increase for the Viper Edition is a paltry $4700 and considering the Mambas were an additional $2500, this seems very acceptable. I was with Chris at the plant and it was obvious they were just ramping up full steam to get the VCA Editions out, but the panels, as Chris stated were not there. Chris and I were told nothing was specifically assigned ( this is still true ),but one can assess and answer if a Dealer has only a single car coming( again already noted ) They anticipate body build possibly today or early next week, but the frames are moving down the line as Chris stated.About the wheels, well, see the post.................ha.