I find it that kids have the most honest reactions to the car and I love how they look at it, with a mind full of dreams of what could be, and a smile from ear to ear. I've had grown men or teenagers do the same I guess they are young at heart

but most guys give me this weird look and it doesn't matter if they are driving a Mercedes Benz SLK, a Porshe Cayene, an BMW M5, or brand new 50,000 dollar SUV... I don't get it they could obviously have bought an awesome used viper instead, but still they look at me with jealousy or criticism.
It's some women who crack me up though. While most women truthfully don't care about cars and that's fine. I've caught others that are obviously pretending they don't see it even if their sight is pointing straight at it, they act as if the car wasn't there. This is specially true with outstandingly hot women. They turn around and try to make sure I don't see them looking at the car. I don't get it either. I mean it's not like they would be looking at me they would just be appreciating the beauty of the car. Same as any person looking at a beautiful sunset or an impressive animal... but it's like if they felt they would be loosing power over you or something.