Ive found someone who works in the business ( i will keep names out for courtesy) who has available a set of used door handle cover panels. (the triangular plastic piece that fits around the door handles and electric lock button)
problem is, i personally do not feel they are worth $150 each (and these are USED ones) this dude is asking for. the bezels new on a 98 viper are 49 bucks each. i think its BS to take advantage of a situation, mark up the similar piece on a 99 just cause the richard craniums at DC decided to no longer make it an available individual piece.
So, if anyone knows of or comes across a set of these plastic "masterpieces", ill gladly pay for em but im not going to get bent over and smile for them. its a want not a need.
off my soapbox
problem is, i personally do not feel they are worth $150 each (and these are USED ones) this dude is asking for. the bezels new on a 98 viper are 49 bucks each. i think its BS to take advantage of a situation, mark up the similar piece on a 99 just cause the richard craniums at DC decided to no longer make it an available individual piece.
So, if anyone knows of or comes across a set of these plastic "masterpieces", ill gladly pay for em but im not going to get bent over and smile for them. its a want not a need.
off my soapbox