As usual, another great event. Many thanks to Charlie,Chris, Bobby C, Tommy R and Donna K for their hard work in personally promoting and help coordinate this event. We have a great club and its always fun when we get together, regardless of venue. Special thanks to our New York brothers and sisters(and espcially City Snake and Adrian and D ) who travelled a good distance to share the Somerville Cruise good time.
Despite my good cheer , one post in leading up to this event compels some additional response. Plum Crazy, I don't appreciate your gratuitus sarcasm nor devisive attitude with your your reference to me as "El Presidente sitting on my throne" etc. Statements like this confirm our belief of your absolute ignorance of the hours/days of our personal/professional time that must be dedicated to hold a leadership position in the VCA. While I note that you have been critical of the New Jersey Club and its events in prior posts (your inane and uninformed criticism of a viper tech's comments at one of our events was exposed when it was revealed that you didn't even attend the tech session comes to mind!!)your comments are neither appreciated nor respected. We are a SOCIAL organization and we strive to promote good will, help charities and have a good time within our Viper community.
I note that despite living in New Jersey you elected to finally become a member (after enjoying several of our events while criticizing same without even joining the club!) of the New York/CT. Club. That is fine and be assured we all wished you well. However, it is curious that since you landed there, that National VCA has now been receiving detailed correspondence from long standing VCA members citing your divisive conduct/posts in your new regional club.
Instead of perpetuating this type of conduct, why don't you choose to expend energy to unite rather than attack and divide your fellow club members?
Plum Crazy/Phil TAKE A DEEP BREATH. We are not aware that you ever volunteered to help organize, coordinate, or otherwise dedicate YOUR PERSONAL time (other than mere attendence)at any VCA events. We are likewise not aware that you ever contributed anything to a club newsletter or even made a charitable contribution. Why not take some of your obvious energy and volunteer to help the club in a meaningful way (posting of meeting points for cruises is not meaningful by the way). Anyone can sit at a keyboard and spin smack. Perhaps you have not considered that your comments defame and disparage not only your fellow viper club members, but indeed demean the entire VCA image as you advertise a warring and factionalized group instead of emphasizing that friendly viper owners like to get together to help their community and each other when they can.
One last item. In a post today you made some remarks about the past New York President not making certain responses "to your face". Please do not interpret this written format/post as anything except it is a convienient and timely way for me to forward these thoughts. You will not have any "face to face" disability with me. If you continue with the disrespectful and disparaging comments like "el presidente" etc, be certain that you will see "my face" .
WORK FOR YOUR CLUB NOT AGAINST IT and stop the sophmoric nonsense!
Bob Carroll, PRESIDENT
New Jersey VCA