Here in CT they have to prove you are louder than the state mandated noise limit. I always carry a Sound Level Meter, Radio Shack 33-2055, and a copy of the CT Statues showing the DBA levels and how they are to be measured. I got out of the ticket but one time. I had bought a brand new Honda motorcycle, with a stock exhaust system, and was stopped. the officer said it was his judgment as to if the bike was too loud. he gave me a ticket and I went to court. In CT if the cop does not name out a Traffic / Accident Report them by law they have to throw it out. The prosecutor tried to talk me down from $250.00 to $50.00 and I told him no way. When I asked to see the officers report he smiled and told me there was none. he then dismissed the case. You can win if you know the law.