Thanks for sharing guys.
This is one topic that seems to be lacking on info around here. It is great to see what guys are running for fuel systems so others can learn and discuss what works and what doesn't.
So would you guys recommend running the stock line as a return or not?
Factory feed line as a return is just fine, and you can make it a very clean install if you take the time to find all the adapter fittings from OEM to -6 so everything is plug and play.
When is it enough to just upgrade the stock pump, and when is it time to upgrade the whole system?
There is no point upgrading the stock fuel pump, the work you will have to do just to put in a single pump is close to what the twin pump setup would require.
You can see my mods in my sig (6.5# Roe, W/M, BAP, and bolt-ons), I seem to be fine on fuel so far but I will be going to a 10# this winter and continuing the W/M and BAP. Would a bigger pump be necessary if I'm shooting for 700whp?