I've got a Pioneer AVIC-N1 in my '00, which has GPS navigation, MP3, CD, DVD, etc. The reason I got it was due to the GPS navigation - I was tired of making custom brackets for my StreetPilots, and was running out of ideas on how to do a non-intrusive bracket for my '00 RT. (It was easy on my old '95 RT, I made a bracket that used the tonneau snap on the top of the dash).
I highly recommend the unit - sound quality is *much* improved over the stock Alpine unit, and, in fact, I've felt no need to upgrade any other component of the sound system. However, I beleive the model has been replaced by the AVIC-N2, and the latest Crutchfield catalog indicates there is now an AVIC-N3 for $1799. I found the AVIC-N1 for $1550 when Crutchfield had it for the same $1799 price, so you could likely find it for a few hundred cheaper.
Installation was non-trivial - I spent eight hours on it, as well as an additional few hours on research and construction of an Alpine DIN to normal RCA converter so I didn't have to cut into the car's stock speaker wiring.