Thanks for all the great info on this post. Your comments and enthusiasm allowed me to make this modification. This board is fantastic!
I just finished the install. Pep boys didn't have cherry bombs in stock so I went to O'reileys and got Thrush packs (told them to order Cherry Bombs). Had a local muffler shop weld on extentions...of coarse they screwed up the size. Fixed the screwup and bolted the packs on without any problem (except I bought U-bolts at muffler shop, they were not heavy duty and I twisted the nuts off while tightning them up - Buy HEAVY DUTY they work great).
The procedure would have been painless had I went to Autozone (they have the best pipe selection in Springfield) and have heavy duty U-bolts.
Anyway the car sounds great. Definately louder at idle and on the gas. I love the cackle when you let off the exhaust! I didn't think the burn in would be so bad. I took my wife on a road trip to go shopping and we almost died at a stop light. Almost toxic. Much better after driving 50 miles although the smell was still there at about 100 miles but not near as bad. The smell is not exhaust just paint/metal burning.
When we stopped after about 20 miles, smoke was coming out of the pipes and rolling up between the top and the trunk. My wife was not overly impressed with my tinklering with the car but that is just her. She did notice how we turned heads of people who couldn't see us intially. They just knew that a 'cool sounding car' was behind them. Once they turned, they just gawked. A couple of kids where walking away from us up around a corner. They stopped and had turned around to wait for us, we came around the corner at about 40, I dropped it to second and hit it, they were cheering as we went by.
So, don't be afaid to make the change! Follow the directions of the earlier posts. Getting the sills off is not that difficult, go slow and you will be fine. There are two nuts on the top, above the Viper badge that are tricky. I found it easy for me to use a small 10mm wrench to loosen those up and slide the sill out. My mufflers came right off after spraying them with WD40 and letting them sit over night. I spent about 4 evenings of 30-45 minutes each to get it done. I can't think of anything that wasn't already explained here other than