listen gts... i am not saying that they are not time comsuming to make ok. i am not in the business of fabricating things out of metal but have talked to those that do it for a living ok. those professionals said they could produce this box EASILY in a cost effective way because they have the tools on hand and the knowledge to make the piece. obviously if the reason you dont make the piece is because the time involved then by the way these guys sound that i talk to, that work with fabricating metal, YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING ANYWAY OK. dont lash out at me pal, your product is over priced and no research and techhnology to prove that it gives any power addition. i admit it looks sharp, but so does alot of poser mods we all buy. but you have to have your head examined to buy this for a GRAND is what i am saying. you wanna talk my business then talk textiles, i distribute industrial fabrics around the world. i can tell you that if i was a novice with metal i could make this box i bet. if i was not a as skilled it would take longer and cost more due to the mistakes made along the way and time consumed making it right, but a skilled metal worker would set a psise die cut of the box, bend it up, weld, and polish it in hours. not a bad deal huh, a grand for a few hours worth of work and minimal cost in parts! beat it , no wonder your bust!