Hope you have as good luck as I have with your Arrow. Ours had 1421 miles on it when I noticed an anti-freeze odor in the exhaust when it was first started in COLD weather.Called Janni Cone (NC-VCA Pres.) and she directed me to Tom Sessions (Viper tech). After evaluating the engine, I was given choices of repairs. Being a former diesel/auto mechanic and as a hobby building "Late Model Stock" engines for Ronnie Thomas, I choose Arrow without reserve.
Breaking in the engine was very important, but would be hard to as you descibed on the highways. I broke my in on coutry/mountain roads. Your car "engine" does not know mph speed but only reconizes RPMs and LOADs. The steep hills and aboundant curves worked quiet well. Also to my understanding, Arrow runs the engines on a dyno before leaving their facility.
Drove the GTS to VIR 2001, and upon arriving, had 1100 miles on the Arrow. Stayed on the track alot, 384 miles in 3 days. Was very conservative on the brakes as did not want to discolor the white "Viper" on the front calipers. Turned 2:22's with a passenger and used only 1/4 of the factory brake pads. Very conservative on the brakes. The Arrow is a "ton" stronger than the orginal engine, but niether has been dyno. Plan to dyno soon.
By-the-way, Tom switch the engines and the job was SUPER!! No indications anywhere that the engine was changed!
As with anything that is "Man Made", it is suject to trouble, so best wishes.