Raced a Aventador and a AMG SLS last night


Sep 29, 2014
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so there I was last night in my stock 2014 SRT Viper minding my own business cruising the Howard Franklin Bridge in Tampa with the cruise control on 65 mph.. when I hear a nice sounding car to my left side.... my eyes could not believe what I was seeing, a matte black Lamborghini Aventador.. im thinking ,finally I get to have a real race with a real supercar(one of my dream cars if I ever hit the lottery)

Anyways I down shifted to 3rd gear at around 75mph and I waited at first I didn't think he was going to race but all of a sudden he took off.. I had to play catch up when two cars meet with that much power normally whoever gets the jump will pull and stay ahead unless the other car is significantly more powerful and faster .I'm still learning this car my shifts were really bad I hit the rev limiter twice because I was afraid to shotry shift terrible driving on my part I am NOT making up excuses because he got the jump not only that his transmission is shifting at speeds that are faster than my eye blanks

We only got up to about a 130mph and then he stopped..I wanted to do a 1 2 3 go race but he would never rolled down his window or say let's go he would just take off at will making it impossible for me to get a fair race now ..I'm not saying that my car would have pulled on him but it would have been a closer race or maybe even tie ....if I learn when to shift right in this car lol i only have 800 miles of regular driving on it no practice lunches or anything..red line approaches very quickly when you're racing and trying to pay attention to that and drive.

You're probably thinking why did you not shift when the tachometer turned red... because I didn't see it lol....that's how much adrenaline was going through me .We raced about four different times in and out of traffic I got the jump on him only once which at that time he wouldn't go as fast as he needed to go to pass me if he could, my top speed was 157 mph my exit was approaching in about 1 mile when I looked in my rearview mirror and saw a Mercedes AMG SLS he pulled up on side of me and there was no way I was getting off the highway needless I end up going 40 miles out of my way lol

I took down the AMG with no problem several different times at this point he would only try and pass me when I was not trying to race but i would track him down anyway and pass him.I went around 60 miles out of my way round trip just to race those two vehicles.It was worth it to me I had a blast oh before I forget one more thing after that 157 mph run we all ended up slowing down to about 65 70mph and just in time because right around the bend of the highway on the shoulder was a Florida State Trooper with his lights off I passed him doing 67 mph in a 70 mile an hour zone somebody was watching out for me and the other two cars on the road that night lol

The Lamborghini guy pointed to the cop i flash my headlights and SLS flashed his headlights..I got off at the next exit drove to the gas station and went home got dressed to go out for the night and when I went back into town (Tampa Florida) I ended up seeing another Viper it had the carbon fiber aero kit on it but I cannot tell if it was a GTS , SRT or a TA I tried catching up to him he was about 300 feet in front of me but the speed limit was 45 and I would have to had to do about 70mph on a regular street to catch up with him and he kept trying to get away from me for some reason

.We were coming up to a red light where I thought I will pull up next to him and talk to him but he took the yellow and turn I could not tell if he could see me or not but a viper knows another Viper headlights when they see them and every time I got close to him he pulled further away could have been a coincidence but I guess I will never know...what a awesome night for me on the road I was so pumped!! just thought I would share.

2001-V10 Power Nut

VCA Venom Member
Jun 30, 2006
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When are you joining the local club? We've had some great outings in the past months, numerous cars in Tampa & Lakeland?


Apr 11, 2003
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Spring, Texas
Be careful posting high speeds on line and you will need more than most Vipers have to run with an Aventador, a super car to the max.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Street Racing is only done with Pink Slips or money, anything else even rolling down a highway is not racing.
Take your Viper to the track learn your car, no one will get hurt except maybe you.


Mar 28, 2006
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Valrico Florida
Howard Franklin is a gas for this stuff. Hope to mee up at some point in the coming months. Getting to be great cruising weather in Tampa this time of year!!!


Aug 11, 2013
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OP...I highly recommend purchasing a GoPro and mounting it in the cockpit. One push of a button and BOOM, you can post a video instead of a fictional novel.


Oct 25, 2012
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Armonk, NY, formerly Hoboken, NJ
Funny that you posted the same exact thread and story on this site as well as the VOA. Only this time you edited it a bit better with some punctuation. LOL!

Same answer from me again man, have fun with your snake like we all do, but don't be stupid about it by taking it to extreme speeds like that on public roads. Glad you had fun, but you are lucky nothing happened to you or anyone else. Take it to the track for some real racing fun and to learn how to really drive your car and hone your skills, not to mention to keep it safer so you don't have any incidents with other drivers on public roads or with the police. I look forward to reading your future posts talking about your time racing an Avendator and SLS on a TRACK and with a video of the experience as well.

steve e

Oct 23, 1995
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Guy2k, all I have to say is be careful, for me to say anything more, I would be a liar, every time a take out one of my cars I say to my self I am not going to do anything stupid, Its like being hooked on drugs, just a few weeks ago some guy pulls along side me, I am in my GT500, I have to laugh, he beeps 3 times and I am off like a bat out of hell smoking the tires though 3rd gear, its just so much fun, yes I know I am bad, a loser, no good evil man. I am hooked, ever since I was a kid I have been spinning tires. As I get older I have gotten better, but it does not take much to get me going. I need help. But every one of us has a little of that in us, how do I know this, because if you have a Viper you have the fever. It just seems some of you can control it better than others.:usa:


Nov 8, 2000
Reaction score
Dallas, TX US
Great story, thanks for posting (and you get no lecture from me, if I'm not going triple digits, I'm in danger of falling asleep at the wheel).

Way to represent Viper, they may (and i mean MAY) have a faster car, but we can usually out-drive (or just plain balls) them.