Here's the video thread from my car, this is stock. I should've done an in car yesterday to show a comparison, I don't know why I didn't think of it, doh.
Your 122mph is way low also. I'm running 125-126, and you should have me by 50-60rwhp at least. I'd think 129-130mph for your car. Looks like you're in NY so no real altitiude ... I dunno, other 08-09 guys can chime in.
As for vibe, when I picked the car up after install, it was drizzling & I had the top up & driving slow, and it was like, wow, got some vibration here now, hmm. Two days and 150 miles later the vibe is 80% reduced, and it's still not fully broken in, takes about 500 mis I'm told. Well worth the little bit of vibe IMHO, the car feels totally different. Only place I feel vibe is around 2K rpm on decel, otherwise almost nothing.
The way I'd put it is if you want the viper with the smoothest possible ride and are willing to compromise a little on perf to have it smooth, don't do mounts. If you want the viper with a little more growl to the feel of it with the sharpest drivetrain feel, with a little compromise to the smoothness of it, then do the mounts. But I know no other way to address the hop & tranny shimmy myself.