
So here it is... finally. Done 98% and back on road.
I’ve posted few threads about the progress of my car and since Ed let the cat out of the bag with a “sneak preview”, I’m posting the final pictures of my 1993 GEN1 Viper.
After rear ending a Toyota Matrix in early January, the future of my Viper was very unclear. This was the same day AB wrecked his. The damage ($30.700) was sufficient enough for me to push insurance towards totaling the car, but I did not want the money or an opportunity to buy a newer GEN2 either. I was able to work with a great insurance adjuster Sean Ready (Allstate). Sean worked at Dodge dealership in PA previously and had experience with Vipers and Viper drivers. He understood what this car meant to me and instead of simply “junking” it; he listened my wishes and gave me an option to get it repaired. Dan Cole at Danny’s Automotive Gillett PA was working closely with Sean to insure all parts were included and there would not be any unforeseen surprises.
Once the insurance claim (and fines from local police department, $106 for careless driving after laying 550ft of black lines on asphalt) was settled, Dan started to proceed with the snake.

Next 4 months I spent driving back and forth from Lancaster to Gillett to see and document the process. These months Dan was at his regular day job and evenings/nights working on my Viper. He was very patient with my every week changing plans varying from painting the car blue to red, with and without stripes and interior color changed from red to blue to black, to name few.

I would like to tank all who helped and made it possible to get my special Viper back in my garage looking better than ever before.
Special thanks:

- For the most awesome hood I’ve seen!

- Autoform Lemans Facia
- Forgeline wheels and Michelin’s
- Vented cowl
- GTSR Roof scoop
- Ron Davis Radiator etc…..etc…..

- Mailing the Radiator support on the day he left to England
- Lots of little plugs and screw etc as well as technical assistance

- Hood hinges, fender wells, headlights and other smaller/larger used items

- Getting my VEC2 harness straightened out
- 8lbs pulley, plugs, + many other items

- Chroming the SC tubes, housing, hood hinges
- SC Viper RT/10 emblems
And finally the man who cut, welded, straightened, painted, grinded, listened and did it all over again….
It is fantastic to have friends like Dan, Thanks Buddy!

- For the framework, bodywork, stripes, paint, complete black leather interior, stereo, nuts and bolts, aluminum parts, plates and just about everything else I have left out and forgotten.
On January 4th I was mentally devastated due to the wreck and was not sure if I would have Viper again. This was my baby for 5 years and I spent most of my free time improving it or just wrenching it for the sake of stress therapy. Definitely cheaper and more fun than sitting at shrinks office. So the car meant a lot for me.
Wife and my 8 & 10 year old daughters call it “Daddy’s Girlfriend”.
Many VCA members contacted me and assured that something better will come out of this misfortune and you were right.
Thanks for the support! I am back as well as my favorite Snake!!!!

(The fastest red Buggy in Amishland, Lancaster, PA)

And here's some pictures: