Finally...Buddy's SRT-10 Arrives in VA

George Murray

Nov 3, 2000
Reaction score
Norfolk, VA, USA
Finally...Buddy\'s SRT-10 Arrives in VA

With zero fanfare!

My SRT-10 buyer friend, Dave Olsen, was called last Monday to tell him the car was on the way via Reliable to Greenbrier Dodge in Chesapeake, VA. The car was drop-shipped (purchased from Fitzgerald) to VA from CAAP.

Dave went to Greenbrier this morning to see if they had heard anything, and voila! the car was there. It had been there since Thursday. It seems the people at Greenbrier didn't think the arrival of Dave's car merited a phone call to inform him. Four days it sat there, all lonely and ignored in a stall in the service area.

Oh, well. It's there, and he's happy. Except that the driver side door doesn't close worth a [******]. Anyone else have this problem?

The Greenbrier folks are buddies of ours, and by prior arrangement they are displaying the car for two weeks before Dave drives it home. Sure would have been nice to have received a phone call, though.

This car (VIN 866) had the intake valave fix performed prior to shipment. The convertible latch also bit my hand. Serves me right for driving the car before the rightful owner did, eh...

Well, finally I'll have opportunity to put some miles on an SRT-10 and develop my own impressions. I expect no surprises thanks to Y3KSRT's detailed descriptions!

Best to all...


Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
Annapolis, MD
Re: Finally...Buddy\'s SRT-10 Arrives in VA

Only thing that I can think of is that they would have [hopefully] called after teh 2 weeks was over. Glad he got it safely though!