Dr Roof
Some people made some comments that is very troubling to me. I always want to clear the air and make sure people understand I do this event Becasue nobody else will. I Like to do everything to the Very Best of my ability. I could easily reduce the cost of awards by offering only cheap Trophy's or Plaques. I could also eliminate the personal Awards and give just 1st and 2nd Place. I choose to make it possible for everyone to walk away with something. Please keep this in Mind!
If those who support the race by attending and sponsoring this event. By the end of Next year this will be the Greatest event to attend for all Viper Owners!
V-10 Nationals Bowling Green, KY FInancial Statement
Track Rental $4980.00
Extra Track Help (Not worth It but Had to be paid) 600.00
Extra VHT (even though this was questionable) 440.00
Event Printing 360.00
Custom Awards 3300.00
T-shirts 1804.50
Volunteer Food (3 Days) 320.00
Misc. Expenses 250.00
Hotel for Volunteers 450.00
Total Expenses $12504.50
Total Sponsor Contribution (Not all collected) 4300.00
Entry Fee's 5100.00
T-shirt Sales 1600.00
Total Cash Income $11000.00
Event Balance - $ 1504.50
(Short fall covered by David Boggs)
(many times SPonsors do not follow through with promises made leaving a greater shortfall)
this does not include the uncountable hours of my time.
This is not a pitty party! Just a disclaimer of actual Event cost for those whom falsely accused me of Profitting from the event. all money that comes in to the event stays in the event. Im not sure what I would do if we made a profitt.
However, I do need help in pushing Sponsors and Vendors to step up to the plate! we need sponsors that want to give back to the viper COmmunitty with no strings attached!
if you have any questions or problems please let me know and I will be glad to answer them.
I apologize to all the racers at the event for the track conditions. I paid extra for VHT and was promised it was put down. I realize it was not the best conditions but that is racing. I did the very best I could do. I offered to pay more money for them to do it again, they told me they ran out of VHT. Nothing else could have been done.
I do these races becuase there is nothing for Viper owners who want to Drag race. I love to race! I want to race other Vipers! V-10 Nationals is the only place this happens!
If those who support the race by attending and sponsoring this event. By the end of Next year this will be the Greatest event to attend for all Viper Owners!
V-10 Nationals Bowling Green, KY FInancial Statement
Track Rental $4980.00
Extra Track Help (Not worth It but Had to be paid) 600.00
Extra VHT (even though this was questionable) 440.00
Event Printing 360.00
Custom Awards 3300.00
T-shirts 1804.50
Volunteer Food (3 Days) 320.00
Misc. Expenses 250.00
Hotel for Volunteers 450.00
Total Expenses $12504.50
Total Sponsor Contribution (Not all collected) 4300.00
Entry Fee's 5100.00
T-shirt Sales 1600.00
Total Cash Income $11000.00
Event Balance - $ 1504.50
(Short fall covered by David Boggs)
(many times SPonsors do not follow through with promises made leaving a greater shortfall)
this does not include the uncountable hours of my time.
This is not a pitty party! Just a disclaimer of actual Event cost for those whom falsely accused me of Profitting from the event. all money that comes in to the event stays in the event. Im not sure what I would do if we made a profitt.
However, I do need help in pushing Sponsors and Vendors to step up to the plate! we need sponsors that want to give back to the viper COmmunitty with no strings attached!
if you have any questions or problems please let me know and I will be glad to answer them.
I apologize to all the racers at the event for the track conditions. I paid extra for VHT and was promised it was put down. I realize it was not the best conditions but that is racing. I did the very best I could do. I offered to pay more money for them to do it again, they told me they ran out of VHT. Nothing else could have been done.
I do these races becuase there is nothing for Viper owners who want to Drag race. I love to race! I want to race other Vipers! V-10 Nationals is the only place this happens!